Hello my name is Jacob I am 18 from the USA and i would like to become part of the 3xP' team.
My history on Deathrun and other cod4 mods is nothing special i would usually play when i got home from school.
Then I took a big break and now i am back. I think I would be a good member of the 3xP team because I am always online, I have been a great leader my whole life. And I am very mature. #removedther reason I want to join 3xP' is because when ever I am on there is never any admins on, (probably because I live in north america) and i think i could fix that to keep the people who are on in the middle of the night monitored. I am also a active donater to the 3xP' Community and I could be active in the TS3 I just really never am. I hope that you give me a chance.
I also do basic mapping/scripting