Beiträge von bl3ndftw

    Alright. Since I've been playing on 2 keys since I've lost my original key a month or two ago, here are the stats before losing and afterwards.

    Before : Deathrun :
    Nuketown TDM/SD Promod :
    After : Deathrun :
    HC :

    I have READ and FULLY AGREED with the rules.

    Hey what's up guys, I'm here to apply for Trusted Player.

    I play on the DeathRun server every single day, several hours a day.
    I know almost every1 on the server.
    Name : Djordje Radakovic
    Ingame name : blEEEnd / Crypt'|blEEEnd
    From : Serbia
    Games I play/ed : CoD4 , PES , FIFA , Minecraft , Need for Speed (Several editions)
    I've heard about the 60h that's needed for trusted.
    I have been playing on the DeathRun server for a really long time. The biggest problem is , I've lost my original key a few weeks ago. The stats have been reseted, not sure if I have the 60h now. But I assure you, I've had much , much more.

    xFire : bl3ndftw
    Working at : / - Unhired atm.
    Doing Photography atm. Not earning money at all,just thought it was good to mention.
    I'd help 3xP' by taking care of all the glitchers,hackers,etc. on your servers.I've seen many glitchers and witnessed a lot of unallowed stuff but I didn't know what to do. I couldn't do anything. I'd make sure there are no glitchers on the servers.

    I've never been against a religion. I'm respectable, highly-helpful and never racist or abusive. I do not hate any nation, I do not 'like' some but that's long from the past, I must be honest. I do not hate any religion, every religion/ nation is fine by me. As long as everyone is nice towards me and my feelings, I'll be respectful and friendly.When ever that is threathened, I stop any contacts with the person, that's just how I am.

    My hobbies are mostly sports,but also doing photography. Not going to post any recent photos of mine but I'd show it on xfire private chats. I train football for a long time, I play Tennis, Basketball and Handball in free time. Also, one of my hobbies is gaming. I'm also a hardcore gamer, I love serials like Call of Duty , Need for Speed , PES (2006-2010) , FIFA , Counter Strike (1.6,GO) and many more. I've been playing CS:GO on Steam for a while. I've been training Street Workout for a bit, maybe a year so far. I'm fit, I eat healthy and take care of my body.

    I've been playing on this server for a year or two. I've encountered some difficulties while playing on the server,example : nationalism,being mocked by one of the members which ruined my chances of joining the clan itself , yet I stood up and I've been holding my head up since. Don't let anything stop you from achieving goals and life potential.

    I've hoped it ain't true
    But the demo says it all.
    I really thought gENZ was a legit player and a nice guy.Well, this proves me wrong. Roccat for sure.

    Hmm , I haven't checked this in a while o.O
    I probably will do a re-apply, as soon as my family problems go off,and my dad finally coming out of hospital.

    I'll re-apply soon.
    By the way, Skalli: Why do you think giving me rights isn't the right decision? Seems kinda harsh from you to say that,but again..I guess it's fine :) :thumbsup_1:

    Okay I guess , I'm looking forward to playing on your servers again. I hope ddos and all other kinds of attacks stop, and btw , I think there is a way to prevent people ddosing your servers, not quite sure how and to which measure it 'protects' but maybe there is.
    Best regards , blEEEnd :cool_1: :biggrin_1: !
    (Sorry for typing mistakes , I'm still getting used to my new fone :'3)

    Yea Mirko,thats exactly what I just did.Thanks for understanding.
    Just wanted to 'stick out' the important stuff :] But I'm sure it's not that big of a deal for you guys to deal with.
    ^_^ Thank you , Viruz :]

    Bleeeend :´3 pretty good guy, respecting, helpful and also skilled in Deathrun,Promod
    Good luck :p

    Thanks apo ^_^
    I have been playing on 3xP' 's servers for a long time , but at different keys which sucks :/ Probably around 2 years.

    IDaZe : Thanks ^_^

    Hi everyone , my name is Djordje Radakovic (blEEEnd) and here's my apply for 3xP' clan.
    Reason why I decided to apply for 3xP' is because it's an amazing clan with awesome members , and I wanted to be in it.
    So , my age is 16 , turned 16 last Sunday (week ago) . Yes , I am active on TeamSpeak and Board , quite a lot.

    I am not a member of ANY CLAN at the time .
    I can't speak for my own behavior , but I am helpful , I help when ever someone needs help , and people can confirm that.

    Gaming skill - Good at Promod and Deathrun and really enjoy playing it.

    So , a bit about myself :'3

    I like working out,and I do have a current job , it's translating for a local company for international investments.
    I like sports , a lot tho . Huge fan of Football and Tennis.

    I love playing CoD4 , specially on your servers. (Deathrun,Promod,Nuketown,Hardcore..)
    I'm friendly with people xD :D
    My birthdate is : 27th October .
    As I mentioned, I play on your Deathrun , Promod , Nuketown , Hardcore , Sniper ...

    I am from Serbia . :]
    Stats link(s) (I will put links of all servers I played on) : <-Deathrun <-Promod TDM/SD <-CoDJumper <-Promod Sniper (exline-h was the team I mixed for :]) <-Hardcore <-KillTheKing

    Reason why I want to join 3xP' ? Because 3xP' is an amazing clan which has one heck of a community. ^_^
    eSport experiences : Was in a few teams , played wars . All I do currently is make mix wars with friends.
    Current ingame name is : blEEEnd
    Games I play besides CoD , DayZ and Minecraft : First of all , I don't play DayZ xd :D
    Hmm , I play
    Need For Speed a lot , Battlefield : Bad Company 2 only a tiny bit , Left 4 Dead 2 too.
    Greetings to everyone who has read this thread. I hope I make it into 3xP' ! ^__^
