Beiträge von bl3ndftw

    Hello :) Well,here's the thing.
    It was always a dream of mine joining such a huge clan , and I really hope it can come true.
    Hi , my real name is Djordje Radakovic , I come from Kraljevo , Serbia . My qualifications , not only CoD , are really nice . I've made a huge progress in my English , I won 3rd place on an International competition , which included Balcans and whole of Italy .
    Enough about that , I wanted to join your clan for such a long time .
    I am 15 years old , I play on your Deathrun server very , very , very often .
    I play promod too , a lot of it actually and I can proudly say I'm good at it !
    Well , I like playing football , almost every sport .
    Languages : Serbian , English , alltho I do study Deutsch , but I suck at it
    CoD4 History : Was in OmegaGaming , In numberous teams , played wars and stuff . Playing CoD4 for 5 years now .
    About me : I am very optimistic , totally against racism . I do not hate any nationality , do not hate any certain people .
    Hmm... What else...
    Ye,I'm an excelent student , not all A's but , still nice average . I'm very active , so , I hope I join :squint_1:
    If any more info needed , reply to my thread , and I'll make sure I gave it to you. CHEERS :squint_1: <3

    Raiv is a really nice guy , I personally vote for him :) He's an amazing guy and a very awesome player , he has a full support from me :) Good luck , mate ! (: ^^ :rolleyes_1:

    Well,here :
    I live near Kraljevo in Serbia.My hobbies are handball and basketball.I like playing both of those sports.I speak english pretty well.I have lots of free time,so Im available for anything.Im youngest in my family.I like playing CoD4.I also play some other games,like MW2,MW3,etc...Pretty good at handball and basketball...I like Dubstep music,but also listening to Rammstein a bit ^_^ . Favourite food : Pizza (Duhh xD) :D . Hope it's enough.

    bl3n[d]. ^_^