Beiträge von UFaced

    Sorry... But go learn if clauses

    Where did I say your sentence was wrong?
    Both our sentences are correct, but they don't have the exact same meaning.
    A lot of native english-speaking people, especially Americans, are now using "If I was" instead of "If I were", they're not less wrong.
    I'm pretty sure my sentence is completely right, but if I'm not, then prove me wrong, don't just tell me "You're wrong" or "I asked some english people", tons of english people make that mistake, as said above. So demonstrate to me I'm wrong, or send me a link talking about how this is wrong, or whatever, something interesting that would teach me something, at least x)

    vielleicht was the thread doch not die beste idea xD

    Nah don't worry we still love each other, don't we #removedny? :D

    BlaZe I'm pretty sure he means it doesn't count because he purposely typed it this way to go faster, but he knows it's not the right way to write it.

    How can you not be sure >.>

    so I decided we need a special spam thread to correct each other sounds better THAN so I decided we needed a special spam thread to correct each other , but he wrote we'd need , he probably meant we would need ( more logical than we had need ).

    I know he used we'd for we would, still it doesn't sound quite right to me. And to me both your sentence and mine sound good. Maybe yours is slightly better.

    And DUDE seriously learn to place punctuation correctly.

    If you guys hadn't been making so many mistakes it wouldnt be needed * - if clauses mixed type 3-2
    And i have English 3 in school ....

    Sorry... But go learn subjunctive.

    so I decided we'd need a special spam thread to correct each other xD

    Thanks man I wanted to open some thread like that :thumbsup_1: xD Well I was more thinking about a thread which would regroup all awfulest mistakes people make x) But that's a better idea :biggrin_1:

    And about my offtopic post: I don't think there is any problem to make offtopic posts in a topic which has been fully answered :P The guy who posted had a clear answer to his question by Borrow, so I don't think it was annoying to anyone to have offtopic after the "problem" of the topic was solved. :P

    - dislike*
    - UFaced's*
    - So I decided we needed* (sounds better to me)
    - not so used to english as I used to be (just learnt that in english class x) But "not as much as" is used a lot more I think, even though it's wrong according to my english teacher)
    - except of having fun
    - the last one got corrected by #removedny already :P

    @#removed's post - Too many mistakes in 2 lines

    @BlaZe's post
    "The most thing I hate is when people mix up 'then' and 'than'."
    -> The thing I hate most*

    @Xsjado's other post:
    - like as ufaced said

    @#removedny's last post:
    "Blaze you're and your are worse than than and then"
    -> Blaze you're and your are worse then* than and then :troll:

    PS: #removedny don't blame me for making huge posts, if you guys weren't making so many mistakes it wouldn't be needed :troll:

    But I assume you did that on purpose x)

    Too quick presentation IMO. For people who don't know you, that doesn't help at all. You just said few required info, but for instance you didn't state any reason why you would like to join our community, or stuff like that. I think you application needs to be edited.

    Edit: Bitches ninja'd me :PC:

    I could see the other one for a very short time, it appeared after I went to the Offtopic section, I read it, then I went back to homepage, and it wasn't there anymore (also not in Offtopic anymore) O.o

    @ Gota

    1) You don't need to be a member to play on the servers, do you?

    2) You're 15. We may make some rare exceptions, but to be an exception you need a lot of good arguments. And here I don't see a lot of involvement in the community that could bring an exception. Your app is not really bad but also has nothing special, you don't know how to write 3xP properly, and you can remember only 1 member's name. Also your first post on this board is your app. That doesn't show a lot of involvment to me.

    Oh well, thanks. Haha, I've been doing bilingual education, so that means I have subjects like Biology, History, Geography, Physical Education, Philosophy of Religion all in English..

    Ah that explains a lot! I was thinking wtf non-native english speaker and already that good at speaking english at 14...

    Anyway I love this kind of applications, well written, no spelling mistakes/typos, very well presented... And moreover looks like you got some skills in interesting fields.

    My comment came a bit late though sry :tongue_1:

    Also would be a no from me, seeing he posted his app 5 days ago and never came back to check it since then... Doesn't show much will to join.

    Hey hey hey everyone :>

    I just put a whole new 3xP' server online (with the help of #removed, and the consent of mirko - Thanks :biggrin_1: ).

    Star Wars mod aka Galactic Warfare mod


    If you don't know it:
    It's an awesome mod, especially because of its design - beautiful custom models and effects, and gorgeous maps.

    I think a video is worth a thousand words:


    Downloading the mod and maps

    Because of all the custom models, the size of the mod is very important.
    That's why you may want to download it from the internet instead of downloading it in game, so here is a link:…actic-warfare%2Fdownloads

    This will download the mod and all the 7 maps in addition.

    Once the download is over:

    1) Extract the files... (using 7-zip or whatever)

    2) Put the mod folder, named swm_gw1 and located inside "mods", in your "Mods" folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\Mods
    (Note: This is the path for Windows 7, but it isn't much different for another Windows OS)

    3) Take the 7 map folders inside "usermaps" and place them in your "usermaps" folder located here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\usermaps

    4) Join the server, nothing to download :biggrin_1:

    Hoping to see you guys there soon :cool_1:

    I tried it but sadly it requires a lot of people to have some fun. Otherwise: It takes forever to find all notes (especially on big maps), the round often ends before notes are found; Extremely hard to win against slender if less than 10 players.

    And even when lots of people, if you die at the beginning of a round, you're fucked (not even fun to spec people just walking around to find notes^^)

    It was fun a bit since the ambient music and darkness etc are fun, but it quickly got boring for me.