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Posts by AlterEgo
Haha it really looks very cool XD . I tought there are only this black/gray ish theme for forum
Heat , i ment Unknown live in the USA , not Baddy
Dodmájor , nice to see you apply . Easiest YES
He plays often on the cj server, also very helpful . Try to improve your cj skill but other than that , you have my yes
I've seen you on the server couple of times, you seem friendly and helpful
The thing is that Baddy mentionedNever seen you.
is that bc you're from the USA ( time zones ), also that you have almost 200 hours on the server.
He is true that there is a few application, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a chance or something like that imo.I'll give my yes or no when i know you more.
Hey !
My in-game name is AlterEgo and my first name is István.
I live in Hungary , and i was born on 7th July, 1999.
Currently, I'm a 11th grade high school student, studying to be an engineer. I do workout in my free time, along with playing pc games , such as CoD4, and very rarely DayZ.My gaming history (pasted from AlterEgo's CJ Application)
-My gaming career in a nutshell:
My gaming career started on playstation 1 when i was 5-6 years old, some year later i got my playstation 2 later. The first game i played with was metin2 , but these kinda games are not my favorits.
Later on i started CoD2 which got into my heart instantly.Then i started CoD4 which was also a very good game to play with , at the time i spent 4k hour in it.
After a while i got bored from CoD4 and i tried MW2 , Black Ops 1, MW3..... basically all COD , but somehow none of it was that good as 2,4.Then i got back to CoD4 after a break.
Mostly i played zombie mods , and promod but both mod was overplayed and somehow i got an idea to join cj , and this was the first server i was on.
Then i met some ppl , and later on we made our cj server. I was the leader of nh but after a year i had to stop it duo inactive member issues.
Sometime after i joined msg, but that didnt work out for me.
Some month ago i started to play on 3xP again, and as i mentioned i really like the community, and i want to help players to stay in a good cj shapeThe reason why i want to join ,is that im already a member of the cj team , but i would like to become a normal member and
help the community with stuffs that i can do:
-Edit videos ( im still a beginner in it , but trying to produce videos )
-Providing demos for montages
-Making maps
-Little bit of scripting and modding
-Texturing , skinningIm on the ts server daily , but you can find me here also :STEAM PROFILE LINK , Statpage link : 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
There is more information about me in my CodJumper team application and if you have a question , you know my steam
Friendly , trustful guy. Good luck
You need to have the map sources to be able to compile the joker skin in , or your own codjumper mod to compile it in
Dont you understand that noone cares about your old profile ? As you dont even know the names that you used , no cd key , nothing , then why you are keep mentioning it ? Go to the cj server , get 60 hour
The problem is that you should have get the 60 hours first, before apply.
Here is your stat page 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Dude, noone wants to provoke you . I just say that you would need to gather some more hour on the cj server , as its the most active server , and get to know ppl more !
Dont take anything offense , and as soon as you spent more time with the members/players they can give better opinion about you . -
IHDI said "here since 2013" , and you "started playing in 2014". Something weird ? he started playing before you so he should know you
, doesnt make sense what you have said
Then you should collect more hours, and get to know ppl better , before you apply
Are you playing on the codjumper server or ?
Hit me on steam , maybe i can help you
Thank you guys
One of my few creatons , i also made skins for character/rpg/hand