Rank unequip bug
When you equip the "progression" rank and reconnect the rank is unequipped from your inventory/player however remains showing on the tab/leader-board screen
However, if you were to reconnect/disconnect once more it won't show on the tab/leader-boards
Rank inspect glitch
When you inspect your rank you're teleported to the start point of the map with a prompt "Rank cannot be inspected" FIXED
Black Kit Default - Gloves
Has the wrong texture, when you inspect it shows red/black with white and pink threading/knitting on the fingers (see preview image in shop) - Added for @Enter1337 FIXED
Opfor Default - Gloves
Has the wrong texture, when you inspect it shows black with a red/white strap around the wrist (see preview image in shop) FIXED
EDIT : Added Opfor Texture Bug