Beiträge von Mad Mouse
Mine came up whilst taking a dump....
I can only say how much i love your name
Always nice to see fellow-duchties in this place -
//disclaimer - i didn't know what to write in the app and i was planning on doing this for so long but never dared to make one, basically was scared xd.
So it's a good thing somebody did it a week before you did it eh? ;3
Eze +1 for me
I believe you mean last yearAnyway, since we have only positive answers here: Accepted.
I'll send you a PM in the following days (or remind me in 2 or 3 days if you haven't received anything by then
) to help you set your rank.
Thnx bae
If you have read this thread you should have known there wasn't any need for a facebook or skype link.
CoD4 Trusted player application - Read before applying.3xp needs you to be active on the forum and/or ts3 so we can communicate with you and therefor a facebook or skype is not necessary.
Now, for my judgment, I highly doubt your english quality, which needs to be at a centain level.
No need for 100% perfection, but 60% atleast IMO.
Just imagine there is someone in the server and you will get in an argument, will you be able to save yourself in this situation without the help of Google Translate?For now, my anwser is no unless you can prove that your english is infact on a 'good' level.
Ps. not knowing about the facebook and skype isn't a good start....
Hey Baddy,
It seems you're a codjumper, so that's why you haven't seen me ingame.
I must say this app looks good, so on that side you got a +1 from me.Should you ever feel lonely, stop by on the 3xp-ktk server to say hi!
Heyho 3xp peeps,
As you guys might know i've been with you since july of this year.
In this time i've seen people come and leave, but mostely become inactive which gave me some trouble, not having people around to permaban hackzorz...
This is why I have decided to try and get to level 3. First stop: level 2Application lvl 1:
Trusted Player Application - Mad MouseStatspage:
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player DetailsLet me know what you guys think
Mad MousePs. Yes I have read these pages:
CoD4 Trusted player application - Read before applying.
3xP' Clanpage » News » 3xP'Server and our new Trusted Player Ranks
CoD4 Trusted player application - Recent changes [READ before applying] -
''Post was edited 10 times, last by “AngeLus” (Jul 9th 2016).''
Personaly i was just wondering if you have read any of the two topics linked below.
In here you will find everything you need to know e.g. putting in a link to your personal statspage.anyway, check them out if you really are intrested.
CoD4 Trusted player application - Recent changes [READ before applying]
CoD4 Trusted player application - Read before applying. -
As a little bird once crashed into a huge and fabulous police-officer.The police-officer ate children of his parents while Apo flexed her willy to an amazing jukebox which didn't play abactor music.Then Miley Cyrus, who strangled in bed on spikes, awoke " ...Nahhtt!!!"- she died, since nazi's iphone5 potato looking gay edition pie coloured pie came inside an elusive treehouse that has a pie-machine in it. This is weird, no, yes this is tryptophan synthase extract calculated. shoop sheep of wizards and my glorious pink giraffe but suddenly it began to crumble into pieces. Mister Potatoman ate an horse penis, savouring everything from a drunk shaundi who left castle with an awfully loud fart which smelled like strawberries. Then he started to shit on nUKA's face, while nUka was masterbating to it. Reznov then wondered why his slave in ktk is trying to eat enormous amounts of GanjaHero's amazing cum. The reason was ofcourse that ISIS started to surrender. Rhoyder was starting to cry because he couldn't get his penis up. Also he never succeeded at tennis without his padded HawkEye jockstrap. But then ExcusesNL molested 3xP' HawK with Hitler's moustache down his throat while he farted on Mad Mouse's face. Meanwhile Hawk was fapping on Mad Mouse's saladass dertom started to think about sexy santa claus from which he was given a
As a little bird once crashed into a huge and fabulous police-officer.The police-officer ate children of his parents while Apo flexed her willy to an amazing jukebox which didn't play abactor music.Then Miley Cyrus, who strangled in bed on spikes, awoke " ...Nahhtt!!!"- she died, since nazi's iphone5 potato looking gay edition pie coloured pie came inside an elusive treehouse that has a pie-machine in it. This is weird, no, yes this is tryptophan synthase extract calculated. shoop sheep of wizards and my glorious pink giraffe but suddenly it began to crumble into pieces. Mister Potatoman ate an horse penis, savouring everything from a drunk shaundi who left castle with an awfully loud fart which smelled like strawberries. Then he started to shit on nUKA's face, while nUka was masterbating to it. Reznov then wondered why his slave in ktk is trying to eat enormous amounts of GanjaHero's amazing cum. The reason was ofcourse that ISIS started to surrender. Rhoyder was starting to cry because he couldn't get his penis up. Also he never succeeded at tennis without his padded HawkEye jockstrap. But then ExcusesNL molested 3xP' HawK with Hitler's moustache down his throat while he farted on Mad Mouse's face. Meanwhile Hawk was fapping on
Bump 2.0
As a little bird once crashed into a huge and fabulous police-officer.The police-officer ate children of his parents while Apo flexed her willy to an amazing jukebox which didn't play abactor music.Then Miley Cyrus, who strangled in bed on spikes, awoke " ...Nahhtt!!!"- she died, since nazi's iphone5 potato looking gay edition pie coloured pie came inside an elusive treehouse that has a pie-machine in it. This is weird, no, yes this is tryptophan synthase extract calculated. shoop sheep of wizards and my glorious pink giraffe but suddenly it began to crumble into pieces. Mister Potatoman ate an horse penis, savouring everything from a drunk shaundi who left castle with an awfully loud fart which smelled like strawberries. Then he started to shit on nUKA's face, while nUka was masterbating to it. Reznov then wondered why his slave in ktk is trying to eat enormous amounts of GanjaHero's amazing cum. The reason was ofcourse that ISIS started to surrender. Rhoyder was starting to cry because he couldn't get his penis up. Also he never succeeded at tennis without his padded HawkEye jockstrap. But then ExcusesNL molested 3xP' HawK with Hitler's moustache down his throat while he farted on