Beiträge von ervilha
c'ant? C'ANT?
Get your shit together ervilha
lol, my english is not bad, its better than your portuguese
My battlestation
looks the same, have you saw my record?
+1.. but you have a bad hobbie, just kidding, very nice guy
Hallo 3xP's!
Ich (Spielername none oder king) wurde gerade von ervilha vom Server gebannt (Tempban). Ich bitte um Unban.
Ich habe in Runde10 in Nuketown mit der Railgun "geballert" und wohl auch durch die Wand Mitspieler erledigt, was mit dieser Waffe wohl kein Problem ist.
In Runde 5 oder so habe ich einfach mal durch die Wand mit einem Sniper geschossen und den King erwischt, pures Glück!!!
Er emfand dies wahrscheinlich als Cheat. Ich cheate nicht, spiele jede Runde von der Pistole an ohne Waffenkauf. Das habe ich nicht nötig. Bitte prüft das mal. DANKE!Des Weiteren bitte ich um Aufnahme folgender Regel zur Aufnahme in die - KILL THE KING RULES -
- Es sollte keine Gasgranate am Start in die Assassins geworfen werden dürfen (z.B. Rust).
Danke euch! Bis in 23 Stunden und 40 Minuten.GUID: 3d431282
REASON: Rule #1.1 Wallhack is forbidden
BAN ID: 27594Sorry if i made a mistake, but your shoot was like (wtf???), and next round i spected and you are on the middle of nuketown with more 20 players and didt die once, and shooting like if you knew where the players positions, i made a ".a king" and didt recognize you was "none". i know you are a good player, sorry for you and Paul, i hope they unban you today, cheers
Assassins can Climb Guards and vice versa
We conducted some Tests with the Crate and the Tripwire is kinda Overpowered
Same opinion, i tested human tower with other players. Tripwire is deadly for king.
i never had problems with the cheff, and i like when he is on server, but the true is the app dont show much effort, and seems he had problems with sborrato, i will wait to see if the problems are solved..
p.s. I also think that the application dont have to be extensive, but yours is too short..
Since you're 28 , you must be mature no ? XD. Also , im from portugal aswell (ignore this part admins xd) yá mano eu tenho 14 anos mas e sou trusted no server de deathrun , por isso acho que assentarias bem no lugar de trusted (yeah bro , im 14 but im trusted on the dr server , so i think you would be good at trusted player) +1 for me :p
maturity depends of a lot of things, you could have 14 and be mature
(i hope you have some hehe), thx for the +1..
im a bit busy this days and i have been away from ktk -
Hey ervilha,
Thank you for your interest in our community.
Your app in itself looks okay. I'll have to wait for more feedback though as I don't know you at all, and your app is not "outstanding". But you sound like a nice guy
Also, it's weird that you don't know why your stats are divided into different guids though O.o
Here are the other links:
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player DetailsI think you should notice when you change your CD-key O.o
My bad, didt paid attention on that..
thanx all for the support
This made my day
Well, staring with the application itself it's not a lot informative about your personality and as such I can not decide whether you would fit as a Trusted Player, I've played with you much on the Kill The King server but still it's quite hard to judge your attitude, I mean you are a respectful guy and I like it but that's all I can say just now.
I'll let you know if I feel like being with or against this application in a few days.
Good Luck though and thanks for your interest.
ok, ty for your reply, about my personality, im 28 if u know what im mean, :), im not a geek or gammer, i really enjoy ktk and i like to kill time with that, and help 3xp community..
i hate cheatrs and never used one cheat lol
Here is my application for cod4 trusted player.
Im ervilha, 28
,from Portugal, why i posted this? First i have only played 2 online games in my life, Mohaa AA (i belonged to the Herbalist Sniper Squad, a long time ago
), and Cod4, actually i only play 3xp ktk, i play only to relax from the day-to-day shits, and socialize a bit( i have other things to do lol) with some friendly players on the server. I hate cheaters, i never used one, idk how to use cheats also, but i recognize cheaters, and sometimes no admins on the server and things go a bit messy.
here is my stats, i don't have the necessary hours played on the server with this alias idk why, my stats are divided in some guids.
i like people enjoy 3xp ktk and sometimes im a bit annoying with prestige from new players, i hope they stay on 3xp servers a max time possible.
I READ and AGREED all rules of 3xP' Clan.
P.S.: Suvivor hate my, he thinks i have cheated ajhahahha