He doesn't share mutual respect with me Btw +1 and good luck
Beiträge von rockky
Very nice idea. Hope it become real. Maybe you can set a limit, only a rank restore per day for each trusted
After I saw Ufaced reply on ktk admin mod improvements topic saying !vote map was working. I tested it 1 time on ktk. Please stop cry cause u had been rejected. Btw, he also insulted me
I called vote only today one time for TEST.
Chatlog: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Chatlogs
1) !group check on other players doesnt work. It works only on me
2) Can't vote
3) Could you please add a cmd like !info <playerid> that give us guid and location of the player?
4) !session has wrong calculator -
I played with him a lot of times (KTK). For me is a good player, skilled and I was going to give +1, but after reading this thread and his warn,kick,tempban I'm on +0 for now.
Btw I hope you will persuade me in next days so I can change it to +1. GL
mmmmm I have to think.... beer...... hamburger...... still considering it..... OFC +1. Gl noob
I also want my name to be written in orange
BTW ---------> +1
I kicked him because his macro is still on, I'll ask masteradmin for a perma-ban ( @UFaced )
Any changelog between 2.09.31 and 2.10?
@UFaced can we ban him? He's always complaining and annoying us. Why should I be against Turk people? :O You got mad (maybe 36 years of Cod turned you in a paranoic man). Just try to unistall games for a while and enjoy the summer man.
We don't call you hscal so please:
Ryder -----> Rhoyder
Dertour ----> Dertom
rcy/rocky ----> rockky
faced -----> UFacedIs not so hard to press some keys on keyboard
You're obviously a teenage brat rocy
these criminals ryder, rocky and diyer of
I'm laughing
+1 for deleted User purpose
In 1st post you said you are 36 years old, you keep complaining any decision and crying like a 10years old guy. IT WAS ONLY A TEMP-BAN. Now you are able to play again (I saw u on KTK) so please stop it. I think this thread can be closed
The Reason for the ban was the following: (even though rockky executed it, I asked him to review this matter after spectating him myself)
I kind of got suspicious about his knifing behavior. In the Round of the Demo I made he had been King on Uprise and was sitting in the First Floor of the House only accessible through the Window.
It's needless to mention even there he already started insulting me in an completely ununderstandable way.Back to the Main thing.
He waited for Assassins to climb through the Windows. Suddenly two Assassins spawned next to him, as we all know CoD4 hasn't the best spawning System. The moment he got attacked and moved his cursor over that poor lad the instantly went for that Leap Knife attack.
At that moment I need to specifically mention it had only been a vague suspicion. I continued to spectate him and asked Rockky to review his Gameplay, as its better to have a second Opinion on those kinds of matters.At that time the suspicion got more and more plausible. I can't tell how Rockky saw this, It would be better to let himself share his thoughts about this matter.
Besides that, I already warned him several times verbally to stop using his Mouse script. I also recorded that one, Its way too fast and way to consistent in frequency to be scrolling or a quick finger.Me and Rockky weren't completely sure about the Autoknife, so we decided to, or well he asked me about how to handle that and I said that I think Autoknifing is an unfair advantage and declared it therefore as cheating, that's the final Reason about the Tempban.
I need to mention some things about Hoscakal regarding himself as a Person.
He keeps provoking and insulting especially me, I don't know what made him start with that but it's quite annoying. My best guess would be the harsh punishment for not paying heed to the English\German-only rule towards him and his pals whom which he also mentioned in the shoutbox while accusing me of rasicm.
I apologize If its really true that he doesn't understand a single scrap of English, but making exceptions for certain players results in other people also claiming to be exceptions either because they simply don't want to follow the rule or any invalid other Reasons. That's why I strictly go against Rulebreakers speaking foreign languages in Chat. As a Side note, English isn't my native Language as well. Even though that it's German I decided to rely on my humble English Knowledge so everyone is able understand me.Lastly, I don't have a grudge against him as long as he follows the rules. It's just so god damn annoying having to warn the same Person over and over and this having no appearent effect at all. At times even I snap when People just plainly ignore warnings or the !lang command every day and start to chose rasicm as the Reason for that or insulting me.
That said, I'm writing this on my heating up tablet right now. I can deliver my part of the Demo about today, unless something happens like the heat peaking and making it quite unpleasant to sit at the PC or a Thunderstorm which was supposed to arrive for some time but still didn't happen.
Grammar or Spelling mistakes are most likely, my tablet sucks
Nothing to add, I was there and I totally agree with @Rhoyder
My Demo
in UPLOAD, Just wait few seconds.MIRROR 1 (if you download from here I earn some cents) MIRROR 2 (from here no earnings
BTW It was only a tb for 1 day because we weren't sure if you were really using knife hack. However you are still punishable for fast shoot script.
P.s. I temp-banned him and not Rhoyder
1) Fast shoot script
2) Insult to @Rhoyder
3) We clearly said we weren't sure he was hacking and so we tb him
4) 4 trusted players online at that moment ( Me, Rhoyder, Siwy.exe, ervilha)For this I think tb can be justified and as our rules said, we aren't forced to show demos for tempbans, only for pemabans
Please read this: I got a ban, please read it before posting
Scroll fire is allowed
uuuuuh what a low, noob detected
(very very very nice player)
ILLUMINATI APPROVED +1 and good luck
He told me in Italian (he's italian too) that he used hacks and in that moment he wasn't using it. So our rules said NO SECOND CHANCES. I tb him for a day. @UFaced should I permaban if I see him on nuketown?
EDIT: His new stats: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
So, what about my app?
In these days I stayed on TS but I cant access to some areas like cj area etc, so I talk just a bit with others.