Beiträge von Viruz
were discussing about the open 3 apps since few days, doesnt have that much time atm sry
Restarted Vote, because participants were visible
more votes pls
#accepted add me in steam
This is probably due to our work at the new statistics page which needed a conversation from the old to the new database
finished test in 1:45
Pls ask noob or drizz to do the membertest with you asap
passed test in 1:43
more oppinions pls
contact me in steam for getting for rank
my name was taifox before, but ppls always thought its thaifox, which i hated, so i searched for a good looking name and came up with Viruz
okay any updates here? i kind of for got this sorry roofer?
i need to hear some oppinions of the people which are active on the server as i am not in the last weeksis he active again? should we reaccept him?
#vote started
sry kind of forgot, and seems like noob an drizz forgot too..