take your time, aslong as you stay in contact with us like this its no problem.
Reallife first.
#edit u have still no link to your statistics page in your app pls edit it
take your time, aslong as you stay in contact with us like this its no problem.
Reallife first.
#edit u have still no link to your statistics page in your app pls edit it
Contact me to get set to trusted player on the servers
Welcome noobyyy!
Definetly yes to qlimaxs app!
Post the best Counterstrike Global Offensive Edits you know here.
#Moved to Youtube Section
Updated skill test.
dat load pos would be so nice
musst halt harte promotion machen
Dont know hom cause i only play cj and promod nuketown,
App looks nice, feedback is positiv
I think ufaced have to decide if we need another ktk trusted
No unban
Someone forgot to close this topic.
Yea i think so too, to maintain your speed in codjumper u need to always be in the correct angle, to maintain your speed, and get even more speed and you always can be better dont matter if you play cj for 6 years or more.
Also you have to learn these angle for every fps (125/250/333) cause every fps have diffrent benefits.
in cs surf you basicly just need to hold d/a and dont stop moving your mouse, to maintain speed in air.
(i dont say cssurf is unskilled, f.E. its very hard to make the correct move to jump off a slide or to land on it and maintain/get more speed, which is very hard and can also be done better dont matter how good you are)
Best example.
First was a cj legend, played it for like 3 years or more.
then started to surf and in like a half year he completet nearly every surf map (90% or so)
Reimu did u play wolfenstein et trickjump? Cause u call it trickjump
Wenn du spielen willst ohne das welche rumballern zock clanwars/competitive/promod. Im public ist "dumm rumballern" genau das was die meinsten leute wollen. (einfachmal noobs pwnen)
Unser hardcore server ist nicht darauf ausgelegt competitive zu sein.
Und das du hier quake als beispiel für ein spiel in dem man doof rumballert angibst, ist wohl die höhe, jeder quake spieler würde dir gehörig in den arsch treten...
Linke Maustaste schießen, rechte Maustaste Laufen und dann permanent beides drücken...
Dat quake knowledge...
He never did something like this, he always stayed calm.
And i know "no camping" isnt a rule on nuketown.
But i also know that its annoying if someone is camping behind the op car.
Surly he could have warned.
But not doing that isnt that hard abusement.
No need for this discussion like he would do this everyday @ everytime.
single jumps in cj are more complex,
in q3 defrag you always can hop after land with the same speed, so its more the 10 jumps together which make it hard.
In Codjumper you can just hop with the same speed if u gain more then 100 falldamage after land. So its more focused on doing a jump, save doing nextjump, save.
So the single jumps are much harder then the ones in defrag. (I remember doing a jump in 2800 trys, i think this shows the complexity)
Also in Codjumper there a fps switches, and to control them correctly u need very very long time, in defrag u just use 125 fps all the time i think.
its not like
ZitatU just use an fps switch ....
And i dont think that u know anything about fps switches mirko so stfu ^^.
When u do a jump which takes a swich like 333 250 333 250 125 - 333 250 125 333 250 and you have to time the switches exactly on 0.001 seconds, then tell me more about the complexity of Codjumper :PP.
wtf leech wasch los bei dir :P, scheiss ma auf die randoms? warum sollten wir dir die rechte wegnehmen.
Zementa komm runter :D.