Beiträge von Viruz

    passed test in 2:05

    good guys :D thats how beef gets dealed with

    You are accepted in the 3xP' CJ Team, contact me ingame or in steam for membersetting and stuff :D


    nice to see your apply, funny vid ^^

    some tips for editing:

    use codtvmm mod for creating cinetmatics (lots of yt tutorials about this)
    use avidemo commands for recording and disable hud with cg_draw2d 0 (also lots of tutorials for that)
    use a moviecfg with filmtweaks

    it dont matter that you dont have 100 hours, its needed anyways to gather more information about you like if u dont have 100h how much do you have, do you have any kicks or bans on or server and if why.
    But i see you added it, so everything is fine.

    its needed for our 100h requirement, so we dont have to search for you, so please add it to your application.
    Also add a link to your steam profile or any other communication method you are using so we can stay in contact.




    i have a skin for sale in real money (bank transfer)

    AK Wasteland Rebel (FT) for 13€


    I got 45€ in steam which i want to get rid of, so if u want to buy a game on steam next time, be sure to contact me
    U will send me the money via bank transfer and i will buy the game for you as a gift and send it to you

    Ofcourse there are benefits for you, so if u buy the game from me, you will get it 10% cheaper then from steam :P.



    As deleted User is not in the position to decline your unban appeal, i will do it



    came to cj to ask why he banned me from his map, galaxy, which he had no valid reason for as well... but after i asked him, he ignored me, the whole server started yelling at me for speaking to deleted User

    oh the whole server started yelling at you for speaking to deleted User? thats simple not true, it was how you behaved on the server, it was basicly my only contact with you, which is why i remember this even when its over 9 month ago.

    But as i now collected some other oppinions about you and your behaviour, i can clearly decline your unban appeal. The main reason why i do this is not because deleted User dont like you, the main reason is that i dont really like the way how you behave in your appeal, you dont try to stop fights from the past u reall just restart it with this sentence


    i just came to cj to ask why he banned me from his map, galaxy, which he had no valid reason for as well... but after i asked him, he ignored me, the whole server started yelling at me for speaking to deleted User... ???? .... and after that he permbanned me for 'being an annoying brat

    istead you could have said something like 'i know we misunderstood in the past' or 'i apologize for everything happend in the past lets just restart' or 'the fights from the past has stopped for me, i really want to give it another go' but u didnt, you just said something with the message 'deleted User banned me for no reason in the past and whole server flamed me for no reason in past', you could have done this better, now its too late

    Nice application mate :P

    You easily pass our requirement with 412.39 hours of online time on our server :D

    One question did u finished sunset and dawn_v2 inter or hard? if hard then gg :P if inter then i would recommend you to really start doing hardways because you really have the skill to do so, sunset and dawn_v2 inter are on the same difficutly or harder then some of the hardways like descent/descent_v2 or so you could really beat ways like this easily :D.

    Lets hear some other oppinions :D