Beiträge von Viruz

    Sup guys,

    As you may have noticed i worked the last week on some mod upates, including new features, like overall playtime based Ranks and a Speedrun event Script.

    Speedrun Event Script:

    With this script (atm only Soviets) can start a speedrun event on the Main server,
    it will start with a warmup period which is shown in the Bottom right of your screen.
    As long as the warmup is running, and also before people can register to participate in the upcoming event. You can easily check if you are registerd which a short look on your icon in the scoreboard,
    also there is a message in your killfeed when you toggle your registration.

    The Finish needs to be set before the freezetime starts.

    After the warmup Time ran out, there is a 10 second freeze time which will teleport every participator to the Sr Manager (the one who started the event) and unfreeze them when the freezetime has ran out.
    Now the event started, and you will see a timer running up on the right bottom of your screen, also the Players remaining in the run and the distance to the finish is marked in the left bottom of your screen.
    The guys how choose not to participate, can just continue playing normaly and wont be affected in any way by the running sr event.

    If you disconnect/crash/timeout/joinspec you will surrender. The first guy who surrenders will get the last place, the second will get the secondlast place, and so on.
    if the timelimit of the event has been reached the remaining players will get placed before the guys who surrendered, based on how far they are in the way where the sr event takes place.
    Ofcourse the guys who finished placed before the ranouttime and the surrender players, based on their finish time.

    All Scores will be written down in the center of the screen after the event has finished.

    While you are in a speedrun event, you wont have accsess to:
    - UFO (will be disabled before with freezetime)
    - TP to where you look
    - .tpto / .tphere (also players who participate cant be teleported by others with .tphere)
    - .restoreposition / .rp

    Also your sessions savehistory will be cleared when the event starts, so besure that you dont forget to save after event started.

    Also i added a function which sets casters and streamers, for livestreaming sr events in the future.



    !sr p
    toggles registration for next SR event on and off. (Status visible in Scoreboard and Killfeed)


    !sr warmup <time> <warmuptime> <wayname>

    starts an SR event
    <time>: Sets the Time you have to finish
    <warmuptime>: Sets the time of the warmupperiod
    <wayname>: Sets the Wayname String which will be printed out

    !sr setfinish
    sets finish on position of executer

    !setcaster <name>
    Sets Main Caster of SR Event.

    !setcaster2 <name>
    Sets Second Caster of SR Event.

    !setcaster3 <name>
    Sets Third Caster of SR Event.

    !setstreamer <name>
    Sets Streamer of SR Event.

    !streamtweaks <name>
    Enables Streamtweaks which disable alot of unimportant huds, visuals
    and changes fov on 1.2


    Playtime based Ranks:

    Also as you may have noticed that we have a new Rank system for normal players, with new rankicons.
    The Rank you get depends on your overall playtime on our Main Codjumper Server.

    undefined playtime = Unknown Rank
    >20h = Novice Rank
    20-100h = Amateur Rank
    100h-400h = Regular Rank
    400h+ = Veteran Rank

    However at the moment these ranks are just for style and not completly finished.
    Imagine connecting them with permissions like f.e Gravitygun for Veteran, or Admindeagle for Regular.
    Also i maybe will add more ranks on 750h and 1000h for the tryharders :D.

    So if you have ideas regarding this 2 Features or modfeatures at all this is the place to tell them. I kind of got motivation to improve the mod in various way :D.
    This thread will be a way for me to collect your critism and your bugs reports.


    I think point 8 should be definetly changed fris, botw stopped. we should better ask for own motivation and skills for new series or video concepts.

    Also we should definetly implement .gsc scripting and modding in the list, as its a big part of professional mapping, also skytextures and textures dont need to be an extra point, i think we should more do it like

    - Modding & Codjumper mapping -
    10. Creating Codjumper maps
    11. Testing maps
    12. creating .gsc scripts
    13. creating content like f.e.: models, skins, textures etc.

    Also we should implement points for "PR" managing like:
    Social Media Managements:
    14. Writing News such as f.e.: release posts for events and maps
    15. Careing about Social Media apperance
    16. Careing about 3xP Homepage News

    @Pawz this is for contiueing your thread, with more usefull ideas instead of only critism, read through the answers in your post, mainly they dont give usefull next steps, beside frisbeeskys answer. This thread is for developing a solution, not for saying why and that something is wrong, like your thread did. This thread is the next step.

    @Tayzer alot of members told me in the past 1/2 year, that we are accepting players too early, especially because we are already like 40 members, in this way we want to collect more information about the applicants, so we can make better desicions who we accept and who we wont accept. And we will be more likely to decline people which doesnt help the cj team in anyway. This is just an addition to the application system, so we have more usefull information about the applicants. Its just the reaction to the critism of alot members..

    "If anyone need help with something, they can just ask the members of the clan if they can or/and want to help." thats what we will do in the next step, as u can read in frisbeeskys 3 pager answer under pawz youtube thread.

    Let me tell again why we are doing this:

    Goal of this whole process is to at first, improve the application system and the way how we accept new applicants, as alot of members told me that they want that, starting with deleted User's leave.
    And After that we want to increase the activitys of the CJ team, in form of new and more consistent youtube activity / sr events and similar activitys like this, which will get made by the members who have the skill and motivation to do so.

    Now please stay ontopic and tell your ideas what activitys we should focus on the list!

    Hey guys,

    What is the point of this thread?
    This thread is step 1 of increasing the quality of this clan as result of the 2 threads which included an attemtped discussion about it.
    The point here is to discuss and throw out ideas on how a list, not too big, where the main activities (which should be) in our Cj team are pointed, should look like.
    Once there has been a discussion big enough we (Noob, Drizzjeh and me) will create the final list.

    What is the point of this list?
    The list will be then added to the application system where we ask applicants to answer 2 questions per activity on the list.
    Those 2 questions are pointed out in the example below.
    After the list has been created it's going to be urgent that as many as possible members will also fill in the list with their skills and motivations.
    This will happen in another thread.
    The reason why we want other members to fill in the list is to increase the quality of this clan, more explanation about that will follow in the other thread once it's created.

    The following list is just an example how it will look the the application system, nothing is definitively set, this means that everything about it can be discussed; the way it's prashed, the activities, the questions, etc.:

    - Write by every activitysection of this clan...
    1. how much you can help us with it.
    2. a small explanation on how you will succeed. (this is just to show us that you can actually help us in the way you pointed out)
    Be honest, it's not a problem if you can't help us with every activity pointed out below, this is just an indication for us to see where your abilities are.

    How much can you help us with...
    1. Keeping or improving a good atmosphere.
    2. Organising speedrunevents.
    3. Organising editcontestevents.
    4. Organising other events.
    5. Providing demos for montages and for 3xp YouTube series such as: <sum up of active series>.
    6. Making videos for the 3xp YouTubechannel
    7. Modding & Mapping
    8. ...
    9. etc.

    It's important that we sum up the activities we can think of as much as possible to make this list not too long, while still prevending vague explained activities.
    This means that we mainly have to focus on how the things are phrased.


    I dont get why u all "flame" !nYpk! for sharing his script,

    promoting of any gambling sites is completly allowed here and that gambling could go wrong is in the responsibility of the people who use them, its like u would flame him for promoting csgo cause u could open cases and loose your money there.
    Especially as csgo double scripts are highly wanted these days, and nearly every script out there is made for scamming, and its ofcourse good to get one from a trusted source like nYpk which is a trusted player for long time in 3xp

    so pls, stop it,
    as csgodouble is basicly the most known csgo gambling site out there due to marketmanipulation n stuff, it could ofcourse be usefull to have this script for people in this forum..

    im so sorry KaRzye xD, i just copied the name after i wrote it wrong once.

    Yea it was a really enjoyable edit, very unique especially cause it was clearly visible that u dont rly know cj, and because of this rly thought your own way of doing it. Great typographic editing in the beginning, some nice effects also. The bad things from my point of view was just the way 2 high velocity on jumps, as u couldnt see the important things in the jump :P (i guess it wasnt possible to know what it depends on in CJ, if u dont rly play it) And in somecases a bit the spamming of fx :P (lightning and helicopter stuff on dgl :D). But all in all it had a great flow, and the part where the beat drops was also edited very nicely, with alot more action then usual in cj edits :P.


    Jo guys,

    the editing contest has come to an end, and here i will tell you about the final ranking, and how it came about.


    1st. (15€) KaRzye
    2nd. (5€) Funk
    3rd. Frisbeesky
    4th. Rald
    5th. Xploz
    6th. Hawk
    7th. Chappie
    8th. CocoCod4

    Combined out of Community ranking and organizator ranking

    (Click for Full View)

    The Community Ranking:

    1. Funk
    2. KaRzye
    3. Ralkd
    4. Fris
    5. Hawk
    6. Xploz
    7. Chappie
    8. Cococod4

    Explenation: for each individual who voted, the first guy got 8 points the second 7 the third 6 and so on. if someone f.e. just ranked the first 3 guys the all the other guys get 5 points each.
    Take a look at the picture for detailed information.

    (Click for Full View)

    The Organizers Ranking (Drizz&Viruz)

    1. KaRzye
    2. Frisbeesky
    3. Funk
    4. Xploz
    5. Rald
    6. Hawk
    7. Chappie
    8. Cococod4

    Explenation: We evaluated 5 diffrent categorys,
    Quality (FPS lags, Resolution, Fps, quality),
    Flow (Sync with music, Interruptions of Flow),
    Creativity (Koncept, Ideas, implementation),
    Individuality (how much usage of overused of Fx, Concept, music, style)
    Effort (Recorded own Cinematics/Clips, Effort of Editing (Tracking, multiple Layer recording, no overlays)

    (Click for Full View)

    Funk and KaRzye stay in contact with 3xP' Drizzjeh due to Price Money

    Have a nice day,

    idk i would desubscribe if i would see one single dr video in my feed :D. So 50% wouldnt be enough for me, the channels i sub i look every video, if i just like a few or 70% or so, i desubscribe.
    There are people who think like that, thats it.

    Anyways u dont need to write long posts, i completly understand and agree with your points like i already said in last post.
    No content is way worse then content which someguys maybe dont like, if we will loose 100 we will get 200 more subs for having more consistant uploads.

    So im very open if you f.e. want to make good osu videos, with 3xp intro, good quality n stuff for the channel, maybe even making a playlist out of beating good songs or so.
    But its quite important that it wont be like there will be 2-3 videos, and thats it. If you want to expand into other games, then i want to see more.

    Also you mentioned doing conent for dr ktk or so, i disaggree for now. why?
    Because i dont want that me or you or someone else will ask other guys, to do dr/ktk videos for our channel, this dont works. If there is no one who comes up hisself, there wont be dr/ktk content.
    Its quite simple, if someone needs to be asked to do dr/ktk videos, there is too less own motivation. Leading into doing 2-3 vids, and then stopping or getting inconsistent. The person would need to
    come up himself, with good ideas and, MOST IMPORTANT, own motivation, like you with this post.

    I know, its just that i see the yt channel abit as mine and drizzs channel, as we created it and did by far the most on it.
    I completly understand and aggree with you that as its a 3xp channel, but it just hurts im my brain to know that there will be content on it which i dont like, especcially dr :P.
    But i guess i could live with it.

    One thing which maybe bad about it, for me if i f.e subscribed to a cj channel, and then it keeps doing dr ktk and osu content beside the cj content, it would be a reason to desubscribe it for me because i dont want the dr osu whatever content in my sub feed.

    Anyways i could live with osu videos f.e. on the 3xp channel as its a 3xp channel, just wanted to point out that it maybe a reason to stop subscription for some guys which i can understant

    Ha this is simply the most logic stuff ive ever read on this forum :D.
    Okay we will do it, i totaly agree with you, that is a good way to find out in what section a new applicant could be usefull for the whole team.
    Ill talk with Noob and Drizz about it, but im sure they think the same way

    After that,

    Ill create a new thread with the points u alread pointed out where we will discuss the list and what we want on there and what we dont want on there.

    Whats up my mates, since about 2 Weeks we have a new 3xP' CSGO Surf Server!

    Name: 3xP' Beginner Surf
    IP: /
    Slots: 16

    Tier 1:


    Tier 2:


    Tier 3:


    However, the maprotation is pretty small the the moment and i would like
    you to tell me in this thread what maps u want definetly on our server.
    The map tier should be between Tier 1 and Tier 3, to give the nonskilled surfers (everyone ) of 3xP a little playgroud,
    to get some surf skills.
