Since I already messed up really hard sometimes and didn't have a backup, i was thinking about a solution. Did this with Powershell and task scheduler from Windows.
Tested on Windows 10 Pro 1909 (Build 18363.720) , works with everything higher than WinXP
Step 1
Be sure you are allowed to run powershell scripts
Open powershell as administrator and type
(on own risk, that makes you able to run all ps1 scripts!)
Step 2
Edit the variables and save the script on your computer
- $mapfile = "C:\CoD4 Compile Tools\map_source\mp_glados.map"
- $script = "C:\CoD4 Compile Tools\raw\maps\mp\mp_glados.gsc"
- $path = "\\rextrus.com\data\CoD4 Backups"
- $newPath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$path\$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-%H-mm'))"
- Copy-Item $mapfile -Destination $newPath
- Copy-Item $script -Destination $newPath
Step 3
Open taskschd.msc in Run
Add a new task
Now give this task a name, only run when you are signed in and also run with high privileges.
Go to the header Trigger and add a trigger which looks like this
Go to the header actions at run this program:
and add this argument in the box below:
-command "C:\Users\username\Documents\map_backup.ps1"
Thats basically it. Now you got a backup for every hour which you turn off or on every time in the task shedueler.
Happy mapping.