If there's anyone in 3xp who's interested in having an official 3xp animeclickers and 3xp fifacars teams then lets go i rek u all 1v1 and we go global ggez

3xP' AnimeClickers and FifaCars Professional Teams
Im top1 clicker heroes and sakura clicker, may i join ?:ccc
pass airman and u in osu team ez
i do Centipede FC 1 try touchpad, pls notice me senpai
60k can pass airman xD
u think there any sub 60k players in 3xp other than us ? LUL
My previous account wasn't far off, it had over 2,000pp.
The account I am currently on has 1,060pp or something like that, I am low at streams so it's difficult to get high amounts of pp as majority of maps contain streams although I play for fun and to progress, not for pp.
Multiaccounting is forbidden on osu reported gg enjoy ban fgt haHAA
ps. all sub 50k 3xp noobs 1v1 me -
Multiaccounting is forbidden on osu reported gg enjoy ban fgt haHAA
I know.I created an account for a friend, activated it then gave him the details to login to later on... and my account was restricted, so rip.
I put together a skin which you may like, below you can download the .osk file -
Jayme's Skin v0.24.osk -
Zippyshare.com - Jayme's Skin v0.24.osk
If you happen to download the skin, please let me know on changes which may improve the skin
EDIT: Updated from v0.17 to v0.24 | 30/06/2016 - 20:39/8:39pm
maybe +grill at skip/spinner and change the stars from song change screen to some other shit for swag else is fun for me
I can read AR 10,3. Can i join pls?
I could be the official 3xP' AnimeClickers mapper. I mean just look at these beauties
TheFatRat - Windfall (mapped by Skorpiik)
Danny Baranowsky - Crypt of the NecroDancer OST - Crypteque (mapped by Skorpiik)
Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Close (High Frequency Remix) (mapped by Skorpiik) -
naiz meps but pliz maik ezer for lame kiddos :'|
maybe +grill at skip/spinner and change the stars from song change screen to some other shit for swag else is fun for me
I changed the rating from stars to something that looks cleaner, I don't want to add any girls/anime things in my skinsUpdated version: Zippyshare.com - Jayme's Skin v0.24.osk
-- Change Log --
- Added new sounds
- Added different Cursor
- Added Cursor Trail
- Changed Input Overlay Key (KB1/KB2/M1/M2)
- Changed Menu Back (Select a map - bottom left)
- Changed Menu Button Background
- Changed Ranking Icons (Both Big/Small)
- Changed Section Fail/Pass images
- Changed Selection Mode (Gametype/Mods etc...)
- Changed Approach Circle
- Changed Hit Circle Numbers
- Changed Spinner -
Looks like it's finally the time for osu! to override CJ
My osu name is Kappakeepo, feel free to add me and msg ingame for mutual. If we could
make this 3xp osu! community active and work together, i imagine having a proper
3xP' Animeclickers team would become a reality. Lets go boys. -
Looks like it's finally the time for osu! to override CJ
My osu name is Kappakeepo, feel free to add me and msg ingame for mutual. If we could
make this 3xp osu! community active and work together, i imagine having a proper
3xP' Animeclickers team would become a reality. Lets go boys.
This, would be nice to see - never knew so many people who play osu! in 3xP currently | we got this -
Holy shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeet i like your skin a lot
I'm up for osu! 3xP' forum page and stuff
Well i'm 100% osu streamer
My ingame is Ravi pm for mutual
I don't give out my skin but for you guys i can make exeption EnjoyI could be the official 3xP' AnimeClickers mapper. I mean just look at these beauties
TheFatRat - Windfall (mapped by Skorpiik)
Danny Baranowsky - Crypt of the NecroDancer OST - Crypteque (mapped by Skorpiik)
Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Close (High Frequency Remix) (mapped by Skorpiik)8ed25f82af.jpg The Necro dancer map is AWESOME! / And yes ive played on Jaymie Skin
Must love the tags in the end xd