(tempban) on deathrun server for silent aim ...

  • Greetings :!:

    Just got banned for silentaim on your deathrun by the trusted player named simpson.
    i was under the name 5th'Uchiha##.
    I've been playing with another guy when at that moment simpson came and i unscoped the guy only to get a ban on a foolish reason for silentaim.
    ive played since forever on your deathrun and even was a trusted player for a few months but then quit cod4 and probably got removed...
    i've got probably more hours on your server than all the trusted ones all in total only to get foolishly banned by that guy.

    What did you do before you got banned: Shooting
    Is/was your game laggy or was the server laggy: at that point yes cuz 5 more people were on youtube...

    Do you have a good pc: yes

    Do you have a high ping: usually not

    Map: indi_pyramid

    Position on the map: sniper room

    Do you use special scripts/bind like autofire/mousewheel shooting/tap fire/reponse trigger/fast shoot/weapswitch/...: nope

  • you'd by far not even come close to the hours all trusted people played combined.
    and i highly doubt you even played 1/4 of what simson played in total.

    simson has been a well known player even when i was in 3xp. and i've never met you before.
    i doubt he made a mistake

  • You were still in Nova when i was a trusted,that was a long time ago, but thats not the point,he did make a mistake unfortunately,hopefully someone will confirm me as good player on the server as i have nothing to do with any sort of hacks..

  • When we played yesterday you killed me in the endroom through the box.
    And on your last enemy,
    you shot in the air and got a hit.
    Looked for me like Roccat.
    2nd i didn't see you often on the server playing.
    But if it was luck i apologize for the Tempban.

  • Cmon how could you not see me,i play atleast 2h per day. I didnt shoot you through the box i quickscoped you when u were on open and the 2nd shot maybe looked like i shot him in air but i was lagging and apologizing for it. Both of them were clean shots.i played 2 hours before u came and banned me and nobody didnt say anyzhing about silentaim snd i was constantly having 3-4 kills minimum.
    Im sorry but you made a mistake,you are a a good trusted player and hopefully you will continue your good work.