Alles anzeigen------- Grvty
2 things here:
- Why the hell would you kick for "abusing c4 fx"? You obviously know it's not in our rules. And I've never seen anyone else punishing for this.
I don't see how using a lot of C4 could cause any problem. I've already had fun with C4 before on CJ, and it doesn't cause any lag or anything as far as I'm aware.
- Putting "..." as a warn reason is not acceptable. Then how can the guy even know what he's warned for. Except if you've warned him without command before, but then I don't see why you would warn him using the command. You can kick him if you've warned him before, and with an understandable reason.
Consistently blowing up c4 glitchs the map and makes it laggy. I warned him then asked him in the chat to stop as other players wanted to do this jump.
The ... was for the same thing. he knew what i was talking about.
I feel I shouldnt be demoted, as the incedent Viruz was talking about was, A player threatened another player, my first reaction to this was to protect the other player, I feel like Viruz saying I was kicking people left and right was not true, the players safety was my first instinct, and Viruz called me out on this and I corrected my mistake. If you don't like my justification for these incidents please let me know why, I Understand that now he was joking when he threatened him but there is no excuse for blowing up C4 at a jump and making everyone else suffer for it, you cant get past that jump at that point because it makes it laggy. You have to wait for the next map if you arnt at a higher skill level.
I feel like I should not be demoted.