Paintball server

  • No from me.

    2 reasons:

    The main reason is that I'm convinced it won't get populated. The most populated paintball server out there is ranked 460 on gametracker, which means even the most populated server has very few players. So a completely new server has no chance of ever getting populated IMO.

    Another reason is that I don't really like this mod, I found it fun to play it a few times, but I got bored quickly. And I don't want to take the time to set up a server I wouldn't like to play on :D (except if I knew it would be a very successful server, but as I stated above, I'm sure it won't).

    Btw, we don't need to remove any server to add new ones, we still have room for new servers. It's just useless to set up new servers when I'm convinced they'll be empty almost all the time. And personally I don't think I'll have time to set up any new server any time soon anyway.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • Gungame would be better imo if you want a new 3xP' server.
    It's a fast & quick mod to play in between, without camping.
    Would be even better if we get the source (idk if it's available, cant look atm), to make something exclusive.

    hmm... exclusive?
    maybe gungame with paintball guns and maps from other games/cods + ranking system and prestiges? is it even possible? ive never seen that kind of server before

  • hmm... exclusive?
    maybe gungame with paintball guns and maps from other games/cods + ranking system and prestiges? is it even possible? ive never seen that kind of server before

    I don't think there are enough paintball weapons to make a paintball gungame.
    Anyway the first thing we would need to do anything of that kind is a modder, which atm we don't have I think.

    Btw I like gungame (that's a reason why I love ktk :D ) but what I hate with the CoD4 gungame mod (as far as I know there's only one, with maybe some slight modifications depending on the server), is how the "humiliation" works (when you knife someone).
    Because when you get killed by knife, you lose one weapon rank no matter whether you had 0/2 or 1/2 kills for the current weapon stage. And when you knife someone, it's the same, you gain one rank no matter whether you had 0/2 or 1/2 kills for the current stage already.
    So there is some kind of luck factor that I really dislike, and when you're at 1/2 of a stage and get stabbed it's just awesomely frustrating sometimes, as it's like losing 3 kills.

    I think basically the knife is really too powerful and frustrating. If ever someone works on a gungame mod, what I'd like to see is, the stabber earns the equivalent of 2 kills (e.g. if he is at stage 8, kills 1/2, he becomes stage 9, kills 1/2), and the person stabbed loses only 1 kill (e.g. if he is at stage 12, kills 0/2,he becomes stage 11, kills 1/2).
    It would still be powerful but a lot less frustrating for the person killed, and also it would get rid of the "luck factor".


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • or you can make gungame mod with one kill-new weapon, but as you said there are no even enough weapons to make normal classy 2 kills per level

  • well scripting a game logic wouldnt be the issue.

    the issue is more like:

    all stuff around it.
    people will start demanding more and more

    killstreaks>specials>rewards>menus>ranks>prestiges > etc

    and i do know whenever i'm in the mood, the ideas keep comming till i've that many ideas it takes like months to script it for me...haha :S

  • ye but you know... you dont have to do every idea, + i am not sure if people will want to have killstreaks/specials/rewards and also menus on gungame paintball :D better start scripting m8

  • No actually I think gungame is pretty much only about reaching the last weapon stage, only using weapons/knife. Killstreaks, specials, rewards, would kinda make it imbalanced.

    You could just make the game logic, maybe adding some "fun" sounds like in the current CoD4 gungame (First blood, multikill...) if you feel like doing it :D And using the humiliation system with knife as I wrote it, because it's faaaaar better :P (Or if you can use the files of the current gungame mod, just changing the way humiliation works would be enough, I'd set up a server with just this ^^ )

    And then you could improve the mod if you want, later, with ranks, prestiges (so players would maybe stick more with the mod... but prestiges should just be there "for fun" and bring no advantages), and maybe menus, but all of that stuff is really not necessary for the gungame mod to be good. Also a (not too harsh) anticamp may be nice, but also not necessary at all.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • Hello.
    I've been playing Call of Duty:Modern Warfare for a while and i never found the mod i really enjoyed playing.
    Is it possible to somehow add sharks(i love sharks) with lasers(im crazy about lasers, lasers and sharks are practically my two favourite things) on their heads.
    Thank you very much.

    and what things shall we see?
    that thou shall marry me.
    and all the years they fly.
    you and I must die.