3xP' Promod

  • Im posting this because all the 3xP' promod servers are dead 24/7 and I dont see a point in having promod servers if no one plays on them, Im not saying they should be removed but instead im saying they should be promoted. It would be cool to have a active 3xP' promod community with its own members and players. Now I dont know if the Promod servers were active and popular in the past but right now its not active at all and like I said before theres not really a point in having Promod servers if they arent active. Im asking to please try and make the promod servers active again, It would be great. Anyways I hope you will try and make this happen.



  • Agains thanks for interest in improving our server,

    i the past we always tried to promote our promod servers but dont matter what we did to Promod SnD, the server didnt get more popular.

    We had a very active promod server which was our 3xp nuketown there was like 10 people atleast 24/7 he completly lost his population, after we did some things very wrong, but thats a thing i can tell you in private
    and i dont think we can promote our promod server again cause of that issue, too

    another point why its hard to promote promod servers in cod4 is that the Professional league are nearly dead for promod, much more then codjumper.

    But, we can try to promote them if you are interested an motivated to do it,
    what are your ideas for promoting it again?

  • There are a couple things I can think of to promote server, Such as the 3xP' Youtube channel, You could make a video about Promod showcasing the servers, Maybe update the server by adding things such as new skins, Upgrade the anti-cheat if that needs any improvments.

    There could be a timer on all 3xP' servers to say something in the chat promoting Promod.

    Making the 3xP' server list more accessible on the website and easier to find so it draws more attention. Those are just some things I can think of, Im sure there are many other ways to help the 3xP' Promod servers. Thanks for replying to the thread, I hope we can get the Promod servers popular and active soon.

