BlaZe's Clan Application

  • Hello 3xP Community.
    Seems that my application has been lost in the rollback, but I'm going to re-make it. I'm a 18 year old guy from Bosnia and Herzegovina, town called Konjic. This is my 3rd application I think. (1st got denied because of some clan miss-understandings, 2nd was a near win, 4-5 votes so I decided to make this the final one) The reason I'm so persistent on joining your clan is.. obvious. I like your servers but there isn't admin assistance 24/7. I don't say I can play 24/7 and handle the line that much, but I can play almost the whole day. I'm pretty active and pretty friendly. I have many ideas/changes/improvements for the clan.I like to chat with online members because it makes me and them feel more relaxed. As you probably know, I'm Friend Status for some time, so I decided to go more than that. I never abused Friend powers. I used them for good, kicking/warning players which do not respect the rules. I think you've earned my trust by now. I don't use the commands like !bm to bounce myself to the end of the map. I don't use !sm several times in the round, I barely use it few times on the map. I don't use it when only 1 guy remains, because it makes players wait for no reason. I don't kick anyone without reason. Everyone on the server understands the reason of the kick and probably agrees with what I am doing. I visit the forum every day checking the news and new applications, but as a member I'd check them more often and probably reply to them. I also visit TS3 server daily, but I mute my mic while playing (mostly have someone in my room bothering me). I speak fluent English and I don't speak German. (I can only count to 10, I think ^_^) BTW, there are many new members who don't speak German but they still get accepted.. just saying :p. My skill is med+ (When I don't have any lags). Besides FPS games/CoD4, I enjoy playing World of Warcraft and Minecraft. I mostly play on your Deathrun server. Besides it, I play on Nuketown, KTK or TDM HC. I have about 3 months to play basically a whole day :PC: , but after those 3 months I'll play less, but still be active. In case I get accepted as a try-out, I wouldn't abuse my powers, because neither I or the players would enjoy that. When I have time, I visit the Minecraft server. :)

    If your need an additional info, make sure you add me on Skype (olegdrag7) or XFIRE (ugblaze)

    I hope this time I'll succeed.

    Yours sincerely, BlaZe. <3

    Too lazy to have a signature... :bitchpls:

    Skype: olegdrag7

    XFIRE: ugblaze

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von BlaZe ()

  • Hello BlaZe,

    Thank you for your application and your interest in our clan.
    We would like to make an interview with you tomorrow evening (Saturday, about 9 PM CET+1).
    Is it possible for you to be there in TS at this date?
    If not, please tell us a date where you have time to make an interview and we will see what we can do.

    Kind regards,
