Application for member skullv

  • Hello my name is Logan. I am applying for 3xp servers.
    To start off I am 17 years old I was born on 2/23/95. [February 23]
    I have been playing on 3xp for a long time now. I mostly 90% of the time I play on deathrun.
    I watch for hackers on your servers when I do find them I get an admin and have them banned.
    I havent found one yet but when/if I do I will report them asap. Thank you for reading this app.
    If you dont understand this I will remake it. If you have any questions just contact me.
    Here is how to contact me.

    Xfire skullvz
    Steam imnooboflag
    email or which is easier for you.


  • Hi Logan,

    thank you for your interest in our community.
    Are you sure, that you want to be a clanmember or do you want kick/ban rights like trusted player?
    Do you have teamspeak3?
    Please join our teamspeak 3 server on

    kind regards,