Beiträge von skullv

    Application for member skullv

    Hello my name is Logan. I am applying for 3xp servers.
    To start off I am 18 years old I was born on 2/23/95. [February 23]
    I have been playing on 3xp for a long time now. I mostly 90% of the time I play on deathrun.
    I watch for hackers on your servers when I do find them I get an admin and have them banned.
    I havent found one yet but when/if I do I will report them asap. Thank you for reading this app.
    If you dont understand this I will remake it. If you have any questions just contact me.
    Here is how to contact me.

    Xfire skullvz
    Steam imnooboflag
    email or which is easier for you.

    Hello my name is Logan. I am applying for 3xp servers.
    To start off I am 17 years old I was born on 2/23/95. [February 23]
    I have been playing on 3xp for a long time now. I mostly 90% of the time I play on deathrun.
    I watch for hackers on your servers when I do find them I get an admin and have them banned.
    I havent found one yet but when/if I do I will report them asap. Thank you for reading this app.
    If you dont understand this I will remake it. If you have any questions just contact me.
    Here is how to contact me.

    Xfire skullvz
    Steam imnooboflag
    email or which is easier for you.
