Hey guys!
This thread is directed to trusted players and members.
If I enabled voting for trusted players, it's mostly for 2 reasons:
1) When there aren't many players on the server, at night for instance, you can put a map that pleases everyone.
2) You can put maps that aren't played so often, or maps that aren't in the rotation but are in the map list, to change a bit from the usual rotation.
What I don't want, is that you use this feature to put maps that are already played a lot, like lolzor, uprise, poolday, slide, nuketown... You can do that when there are only a few players on the server to get a population boost, but if there are already many people on the server, don't call votes for such popular maps. It will just kill the maps diversity, which we already lack IMO.
Also a note to members: Even though you can do !map directly, I'd prefer that in most cases you use !vote map, because it's better to put a map that most players want to play.
Except if it's to test a new map, then it's maybe even better to use !map directly.
One last thing, I think it's better to be towards the end of a map to call a vote (around 8th, 9th or 10th round), or at least to wait for a round to end (it sucks when you're King and map changes )
Happy voting everyone!
EDIT: See my other post below for a complete list of concerned maps and exact rules.