Beiträge von UFaced

    Edit: This is the discussion thread. The official thread is here.

    Hi everyone.

    I think we need to write down somewhere the rules for our servers.
    I will write my suggestions for these rules, along with the punishment associated if the rule is broken.

    This list is opened to discussion, suggestions, and additions.
    Feel free to share your opinion on the matter and we'll decide whether we want to use your ideas ;)

    Edit: The above list (in the spoiler) isn't totally up to date, if you want to discuss the actual rules, check the official thread first (and the punishments here).

    As I already told you, it wasn't a ban, but just a kick. It's a lot less serious. Anyway, the kicker is myst. Wait for his answer.

    But you can still join our servers in the meantime since you are not banned.


    Some maps like Qube or Mirroredge (disco too I think and some others) are in the rotation in config, I don't know why they don't show up in the vote.

    About new maps, I'll upload new ones to the server. But the link from Sheep Wizard is not working anymore. Can anyone upload a .zip with all maps needed and give me the link?

    From what I read in this thread it should include bricky, ruin2, oreo, blue, caelum, meatboy, skydeath, and maybe underworld and gooby.

    You can also tell other maps ideas.

    You've been accepted as trusted player. Now what?

    The job of a trusted player is basically to help keeping the server clear of cheaters and rule breakers (and also, to maintain a good atmosphere on the server!).

    To do so, you have access to multiple commands:

    • !warn / !w. Use: !w <PartOfPlayerName/ID> <reason>. Warns a player about his behavior. You can use that once before kicking him if he keeps doing shit. Otherwise you can warn him again and it will temban him for 5 minutes.
    • !kick / !k. Use: !k <PartOfPlayerName/ID> <reason>. Kicks a player.
    • !tempban / !tb. Use: !tb <PartOfPlayerName/ID> <time> <reason>. The time is in minutes. Max tb duration is 1440 minutes = 1 day. Temporarily bans a player.
    • !say. Use: !say <write any text here>. Makes the Server say a message in red. You can use it to officially warn players about anything.
    • !msg. Use: !msg <write any text here>. Writes a big shiny message in the middle of everyone's screen. You can use it to officially warn players about anything.
    • !aliases / !a. Use: !a <PartOfPlayerName/ID>. Gives you a list of all the names a player has used on the server. Useful for name changing cheaters/spammers.
    • !pl. Use: !pl. Gives you the list of current players on the server, along with their ID. You can use a player ID to interact with him instead of having to write a part of his name. Also useful for namechangers.
    • !online. Use: !online. Gives you the list of currently online admins/members/trusted players etc on the server.
    • !admintest. Use: !admintest. Shows your rank (trusted player for instance) to everyone on the server. [Edit: The command is now !group check]
    • .pm. Use: .pm <PartOfPlayerName/ID> <write any text here>. Sends a private message to the chosen player.

    To see all other available commands, type !cmdlist. Then open the console to see everything, by pressing the console key (for me ²) and Shift at the same time.

    Note: When using a dot (.) in front of a command instead of an exclamation mark (!), no one will be able to read what you have written.
    It's useful when you want to check the aliases of a supposed cheater for instance, so he won't see you're suspicious about him and leave before you could maybe tempban him.

    So these were the most important commands you should know about.

    Now, What you shall NOT do:

    • breaking any rules.

    Yeah, that seems obvious. Though, I saw many trusted players breaking a few rules. Nothing incredibly awful, but still, that shouldn't happen.

    So that means:

    • Don't disrespect ANY player, Don't insult ANY player.

    -> That means, even cheaters. In particular, there is absolutely no need to add an insult in a kick reason. I've seen too many "wh fag" as a kick reason. "wh" is far enough. I bet not half the players who used "fag" even know what that means.

    • Don't abuse commands.

    -> Don't overuse commands like !msg or !say, for example.

    • Don't make up your own rules.

    -> Example: Don't kick someone for wallbanging if there is no rule against wallbanging.
    Of course you can use common sense to decide to kick an afk player for instance, even though there is no rule against being afk. You can still kick the last jumper alive on deathrun if he is afk and everyone is waiting.

    Trusted players, as well as members, are supposed to be an example to other players.
    Even if someone insults you, there is no need to insult back. Just warn him, then if he keeps insulting, kick him. And if he comes back and keep insulting, ban him for 1 hour. I don't see where there would be a need for insults from your side here.

    You also have to:

    • Put a proper reason when you warn/kick/tempban someone.

    -> That helps to understand things better when checking the banlist.
    For instance, "bb" is not a proper reason. "WH" or "spam" is.

    Don't forget to check here our CoD4 servers rules.
    You should also check here for Useful premade kick/ban reasons.

    Only if you are already accepted as trusted player (or member), you also have to read this thread:
    - CoD4 - Punishments for rule breakers
    And also, if you are a KTK player, this thread:
    - KTK server - Map changing and Votes

    Note: On our kill the king server, there are commands you can use to remind players of the rules:
    - !krules
    - !lang

    If you have any doubt about how a rule should be applied, or what punishment should be used, or if something even should be punished, ask an admin over xfire, TS, or via the chatbox or PM ("Discussion") here on forums.

    You can join our public xfire group to be able to easily contact admins: 3xP' Xfire Multigaming Community
    And check here for our TS3 IP: 3xP' TS3 Server

    Happy kicking everyone :D

    That's not what Viruz means. He means you only want to be a member to have the "powers" it brings, like !k etc, you're not interested in the community, in playing with us, stuff like that. If this is true, I suggest you wait for the trusted player applications to reopen (if you meet the requirements), which should be pretty soon.
    If you are actually interested in this community though, you can come to our TS3 server and talk with members and admins, so we can get to know you.

    Hi there!

    If you're willing to become a trusted player, you've come to the right place ;)

    The requirements are:

    - Have an overall playtime of over 60 hours on our servers.*
    - Have a friendly and respectable behavior.
    - Know how to handle some power.
    - Being able to write an application that is understandable and hasn't got 2 spelling mistakes per word :D

    In your application you will provide:

    - Your player stats page link for each 3xP' server you've played on.** You can find them here: 3xP' Statistics ~ All about your gameplay « Search, by entering your GUID (or your name) in the search field.
    - Some information about you. Age, country, gaming history, etc.
    - Why you want to be trusted player.
    - Ways to contact you (at least one way. I prefer xfire (Xfire is dead since June 2015), but you can also join our TS3 server when you play on 3xP' servers. Otherwise, you'll have to check our forums at least once a week, so we can contact you via PM if needed).
    - A statement saying that you read and agreed with all these rules/threads:

    Additionally, write anything you think can help us to know you better, or make us choose you ;)

    Your thread title will have to look like this: Trusted Player Application - YourName (Example: Trusted Player Application - UFaced)

    Looking forward to hearing from you ;)

    Note: You can be set back to default player without further notice if you misuse your powers. But there's no way that's going to happen, right? :P

    Note 2: If you wish, you can put TxP' in front of your name to show you're part of the trusted group.

    Note 3: If you used different CD-kɘys while playing on our servers, you'll have more than 1 stats page for each of our servers.

    Note 4: New trusted player ranks exist. Check here for more info. You can apply in the Trusted player applications section when you reach the requirements. You can write whatever you want in it, but nothing is really required except your player's stats page. Basically just open a thread so that other people can give their opinion about your promotion.

    Note 5: If your application is rejected, you have to wait at least 6 weeks before being able to apply again.

    Before applying, make sure that you're known on the server by at least a few members or trusted players. It will help you a lot, because as I myself play CoD4 very rarely now (as well as other admins), I won't be able to judge your in-game behavior. If your application is incredibly nice and good, I will maybe accept you without external feedback, but if it's just average, like most other applications, I'll need feedback from people I trust.
    If no one gives feedback on your app, it's very likely that we won't be able to accept you in the trusted group. Your application may remain open for several weeks though, so you have the time to gather feedback if needed.

    Hey Imalow.

    I know you want an answer from me on this thread so I'm going to answer. But I wasn't answering, because the fact is I don't know you, and I don't know what to say.
    You seem to be a nice guy, but IMO that's not enough to be trusted player. Members and admins need to have the time to know a player before deciding if he could fit the role. That's why I'm thinking about adding a playtime requirement for trusted players applications.

    But well you've applied before that, and since Acti, hebuno and Sea, even though they don't know you that much, seem to think you're a nice guy, I'll give it a shot.
    I'll set you as trusted. Though be aware of the fact that you can be set back to default player anytime if you misuse your powers or behave in a bad way (And don't worry I'll know about it if that happens :D ). Trusted players, as well as members, have to be an example on the server.

    Anyway, congratz.
    Now contact me over xfire (username: ufaced) when you are in game so I can set you (or if you don't have xfire, through TS or PM on this board).

    I don't think that's a very good idea, because we have trusted players who are part of other clans. So they'd have to wear 2 tags.
    Moreover I don't think it's necessary, because if you want to show you're involved in the community, you can very well apply for membership :P

    But I personally wouldn't see a problem if you want to use a tag like TxP'. I just don't think it should be an obligation for all trusted/friends.

    Hey Sea

    Thanks for the advice!
    Though would you happen to have a link to a page about this laptop in English? (or French :P ) I can only find pages in languages I don't know and prices in money I don't know :D (though I see you edited with the price^^)

    Also any other suggestion from anyone is appreciated so I can compare different stuff :P

    Hey guys!

    I need your help :D
    I'm willing to buy a new laptop (yeah, a laptop ^^), because the one I currently have (HP pavilion dv7) is overheating really easily and even when I'm not playing, it makes the sound of a freaking plane. And also indeed, he is becoming more and more slow as fuck and that's slowly beginning to get on my nerves :D (I "formatted" it a few months ago but it didn't change much, so I guess it is just becoming too old).

    So do you have any idea what laptop would be good value for money? (let's say, something which would be like the OnePlus One equivalent for laptops :P )
    I'd like to put around 400€ in it, but I can go above if there is something that would really have a great price/quality ratio though. Actually I'm not quite sure what the price is for a okay computer nowadays?

    Kno#removed that I'm not planning to play any game asking for a lot more resources than CoD4... Would be good if I could get to 333 steady on stock maps though xD

    I don't know anything about computer hardware basically, graphic cards etc, I have no clue what is good and what's not, and that's why I need your help ^^

    Also 2 side questions:
    - Do you think warranty extension can be any good or it's most likely crap?
    - Can I play CoD4 with no problem on Windows 8? (And do you like windows 8 or prefer 7?)

    Any help appreciated, thanks guys! :thumbsup:

    Ons, you're high aren't you xD

    What is pissing me off is your way to reject people with apparently no reason and calling them "noob" with also no apparent reason.
    Because it's not the first time I see you saying basically "Definitely -1, coz that guy is no addition to the clan". And what I was seeing here is you rejecting someone simply because you didn't know him, and I found it unfair. I'm glad to see you had actual reasons not to want that guy in the clan, and it actually would have helped me if you had quickly stated them at first. We could have rejected his app without writing all this.

    You think I like "lecturing" people? It bores me like hell to write that kind of text. I just don't like unfair situations (as it seemed you had no reason to reject him in the first place).
    As for the fact that you think I'm acting like some kind of prophet, it's your opinion, maybe some others' opinion as well, but definitely not mine.

    Now about that WaveZer guy, I agree with you. As I didn't really know him, and from the little I knew he was a nice guy, I needed some time to see what kind of guy he really was.
    But he clearly doesn't speak or even understand English well, as he often understand exactly the contrary to what people actually mean...
    As for the fact the he apparently called 4 of his friends to like his application, or maybe created himself 4 accounts in one day just to like his app and counterbalance the dislikes, that's really not the smartest thing to do. And also liking everyone's posts including his own.

    So yeah, I think he definitely doesn't fit in the clan, and anyway wouldn't even be able to communicate with us.
    And as I don't know his behavior in game as he wasn't playing the last months, and from what Skalli says about him, I'm also not going to set him as trusted.

    I have the same opinion as Jack. With less than 10 people, if I try to win I win 95% of the time I think. Indeed the prestiges help. But any kinda good king can survive the whole round and make it awful for the assassins (and for the guards too coz there is almost no one to kill). Try playing 5 minutes with 1-3 assassins and 4-7 guards, from my experience it's the cases when the game is the most boring.

    This exploding arrow under 5 people can help ending the king's life and making rounds less boring for everyone IMO. A noobie assassin has a chance to win, and kings have to be more careful about the assassin.

    Actually the defusing is a feature made for 3xP only by Duffman, on other servers no matter what amount of people, if you get stuck with an arrow, you're fucked.

    So I've noticed some people often write 2 posts in a row. And usually just to write one sentence in each post. And 30 seconds after posting their previous comment.
    Sometimes they even make three posts in a row <X

    As I think if I see more of this, I may end up having an heart attack, I decided to make an awesome tutorial:

    How to edit a post

    Be prepared, this is a very long and hard tutorial. Hang in there.

    1 -
    Q: Why editing your post instead of posting a new one?
    A: Because it bothers UFaced.

    2 -
    Q: How to edit my post?
    A: Put you mouse over the post you want to edit. A "tool-bar" will appear at the bottom right of the post.
    Click the icon on the far left, then click "Edit post". Edit your post, click "Submit", and you're done.

    I know it looks hard, but with some practice I'm sure you'll do fine.

    Happy editing everyone :thumbup:

    UFaced out.

    PS: If anyone makes a double (or worse) post, feel free to give him a link to this amazing tutorial.

    absolutly -1
    no addition to the clan at all
    just a random nub
    sry for being straight forward, but thats how i think

    I think that's a dumb reason to reject - sry for being straight forward :P
    Any new member can be an addition to the clan, as long as he isn't an asshole. I'm sure you've noticed that almost no members are playing on our CoD4 servers anymore. But we need people to enforce the rules and take care of cheaters and rule breakers, and also to have fun on CoD4, since a lot of members have moved to other games. Indeed, not anyone can fit for this role. But rejecting someone just because he is a "random nub" without kno#removed him is not the best to do for the clan IMO. If we only accept people who spend all their time in TS and play all the time playing the same games as our current clan members, I don't think the situation of our CoD4 servers will become better any time soon.

    So indeed, we need to know the guy a little bit, and we can't accept anyone simply because we need new members. I'm not asking for that, I'm asking for giving people a chance, even though they aren't german and they are new. I know you don't want to accept only german people, but if you're planning on accepting only people who spend a lot of time talking and playing with you in TS, that's what's going to happen.
    And if that's what 3xP' wants, it would be better if I were told now.

    This has not a lot to do with this particular app, but I think I needed to say that because I've seen similar comments on other applications before.

    This app is actually not really good, but IMO nothing bad either, except for the language (since your English is really not that good WaveZeR). But what's wrong with giving people a chance? Maybe he isn't good but can still manage to talk English comprehensively, who knows. And maybe he can help on the servers. But we have some time to find that out before instantly rejecting, and we also have a trial period to test people if we think they may fit.

    Edit: Though the fact that he likes his own post doesn't play in his favor IMO x)

    Guys pls ... u send this re app in the german topic

    If possible I think all actions etc by default should be in English. At least this way if someone doesn't change the flag or whatever, everyone will be able to see it (as I think basically everyones wants to see the English content). People who want their topic to be seen only by german people most likely won't forget to pick the flag, and even if they do, everyone will be able to see the thread and I don't think it would be a big issue.