Beiträge von ons

    Hi Community,

    we have redesigned the overview of our community board. The main modifications are usability, short time with few clicks and clear overview.

    short time with few clicks: the new structure of categories makes it possible to find topics easily.
    usability through clear overview: rename of categories with the structure "(Game shortcuts" - "topic name")

    The new colors design is one possible example. If you do not like the white backgrounds and so on, it is no problem to modify it.

    Switch your board template: "edit profile(bearbeiten)/Settings(Einstellungen)/Display Settings(Darstellung)": Choose "3xP-Forum Design" for the dark old style.

    Please give us any feedback about the new structure.


    Hallo Pepsiomfg,

    vielen Dank für deine Bewerbung. Wir freuen uns dir mitzuteilen, dass wir dich gerne als Teil unserer Community begrüssen würden.
    Bitte melde dich bei Tom, damit er dir den Communitymember Rank geben kann.
    Bitte sei regelmäßig im Teamspeak, damit die anderen eine Chance bekommen, dich kennen zu lernen.

    Dominik alias ons

    Hi Blade,

    according our clanrules we make an interview with you to meet your personality.
    Maybe Borrow and myself will be online on sunday evening 8:15 pm (german time).

    Is it possible for you to be online on teamspeak?


    Hi NotChuckJr,

    am besten so häufig wie es geht, damit die anderen Zeit haben dich kennenzulernen.
    Teamspeak und Forum Aktivitäten gehören mit zu den Pflichten der Mitglieder.

    Komme am besten am Sonntag gegen 20:30 und 21 Uhr vorbei, dann können evtl. Borrow und ich dich interviewn.


    Hi venomz,

    it is absolutely correct. #removed and myself will interview you on teamspeak to choice about your membership.
    Is it possible to be online in teampeak on sunday evening at 20:45 Uhr?


    Hi Kronik,

    it is absolutely correct. #removed and myself will interview you on teamspeak to choice about your membership.
    Is it possible to be online in teampeak on sunday evening at 20:30 Uhr?


    Hi NotChuckJr,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    First of all we want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    Please join our teamspeak server and become acquainted. Later we will talk about your joining.

    If it is not possible for you to join our teamspeak server, do not hesitate to answer here.
    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us here, too.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi Kronik,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    First of all we want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    Please join our teamspeak server and become acquainted. Later we will talk about your joining.

    If it is not possible for you to join our teamspeak server, do not hesitate to answer here.
    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us here, too.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi Blade,

    At the moment we do not really need trusted player.

    But I like your application and your engagement.
    That is why I offer you now to switch your application to a clan membership application, that you can join our clan.

    After a few weeks, when some trusted player will be inactive, we will asking you again for trusted player rank.

    Is it a solution for you?

    kind regards,

    Hi pmf2k,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    First of all we want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    Please join our teamspeak server and become acquainted. Later we will talk about your joining.

    If it is not possible for you to join our teamspeak server, do not hesitate to answer here.
    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us here, too.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi skillsmoh,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    First of all we want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    Please join our teamspeak server and become acquainted. Later we will talk about your joining.

    If it is not possible for you to join our teamspeak server, do not hesitate to answer here.
    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us here, too.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi Venomz,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    First of all we want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    Please join our teamspeak server and become acquainted. Later we will talk about your joining.

    If it is not possible for you to join our teamspeak server, do not hesitate to answer here.
    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us here, too.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi Skilllet,

    thx for your application. Are you loving deathrun? That is a nice requirement to be cod4 admins.
    Before you can get the admin rank, i have a few questions:
    Have you ever been an admin on other server? How long do you play COD4?
    Did you ever play COD4 competition? If yes, which team/clan, league, rank, class?
    Do you ever be on your teamspeak3 server? If yes, what is the name of our last teamspeak channel?
    What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you? What kind of beer do you like?
    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? If yes, please break up your relationship.

    kind regards,

    Hi Leute,

    habt ihr euch bei News den Bug, dass wenn ihr auf "Read More" klickt, der Fehler:
    Couldn't find a entry with this id :-(
    Ausnahme: "3xP wants you!"


    Hi Rick,

    thank you for your interest in our clan.
    Please join our teamspeak server and give us a chance to meet you.
    Especially we can see your personality.

    kind regards,

    Hi xWaveZerzzz,

    thank you for your application and your interest in our community.
    Unfortunatly your application does not fulfill our terms of application.

    Have a nice day,