Der Baum ist fertig. Nun kann Weihnachten los gehen.
The tree is ready. Christmas is coming =D
Beiträge von ons
Hi everybody,
many players asked me for other map. In my opinion i really dont like this map, too.
The map is ugly. I cant build my house in a normal area, because there are mountains everywhere.Can we have a other map please?
Es macht halt viel mehr Spass, wenn man zu zweit durch eine Höhle geht und nicht nur sinnlos mit dem Schwert umsich schlägt, sondern auch darauf aufpassen muss, dass man seinen Kameraden nicht verletzt.
Minecraft ist halt auf Survival konzipiert. Und man bekommt nur echtes Survival Feeling, wenn man 1. Minecraft so wenig durch Plugins beschneidet wie möglich und 2. man überall sterben könnte. -
I tried to play on our new minecraft server. Bad the Map is really ugly. Who has set the new spawn in a cave, that everybody will die? Because day and night there are monster everywhere....
da ist was wahres dran! evt sollten wir pvp ausstellen, denn vor ca 1h:
qBOT hat meine sachen geliehen, wollte sie aus Spaß behalten und vor mir weglaufen, dann hab ich ihn kaputt gehauen und er ist offline gegangen. Sry qBOT
Und das war nur der Test-Server also ist es eventuell besser PvP als Vorsorge auszustellen. Sowas kann auch ausversehen passieren und dann ist das level weg und man macht den anderen dafür verantwortlich, blablabla alles schon passiert.
Es is in deinem Falle sogar seh einfach. In deinem Fallbeispiel würdest du aus dem Clan fliegen. Es gibt keinen Grund Gewalt anzuwenden. WennQbot die Sachen behält, mach einen Screenshot und schreibe ein Ticket im Forum das Tom(admin) dir hilt. Das waere der richtige Weg
Ihr wisst schon, dass wir unsoziale leute direkt von der white liste streichen?
do you know, that everybody, who is not social skilled, will be removed from the whiteliste immediately?
@imaxwell situation1 -> player 1 will be banned.
situation2 -> player 1 will be banned.That is why we have a whitelist and not a public server
you disappoint me, why just smoke? =P
Hi at all,
in our last admin meeting all admins agreed with it, that the social communication has to be promoted.
There are a lot of members, who always play cod4 on our publics. Unfortunately many member do not know their, because they are rarely online on teamspeak or on our board.In our opinion a clan is a gaming community, where you play with other member games and have fun.
If you join our clan, I want to play with nice, polite guys to have more fun during playing games in a community.
If you like to play alone, you do not need to join a clan.That is why we introduce a new clan rule:
If you are clanmember of 3xP and you are playing on our gaming server (public, warserver and so on), you have to join teamspeak while you play.
You do not have to talk with the guys on teamspeak or be in the same channel, you can join the "afk"-room and mute yourself, but you have to be online on teamspeak.kind regards,
Ons -
Hi #removed,
the advantage of using private/whitelisted server is, that you have players on the server, who you know.
You do not need programms/plugins to create land for safe building or have to look for griefer/trolls/etc.
It makes it so much easier to control.In my opinion the new server is not interested in a big quantity of players, but in small players, which have creativity and fun on this server.
We will discuss it tonight.
please use this thread to know, how can we realise the new minecraft server:
Wir wollen einen neuen Minecraft Server online stellen.
Was erwartet ihr von dem Minecraft Server und was sollte er können?Es gibt zur Zeit den Vorschlag:
- Private Server (White listed) - nur Clanmitglieder oder registrierte Spieler dürfen spielen (kein Public)
- Survival Welt - keine Cheats, keine komplizierte Addons, back to the roots
- Klare Regeln/sozial Verhalten
- Mod: Multiverse - Für ein Portal zur Farmwelt und zurück
- Mod: xAuth - Login Tool um sich besser gegen Hacker zu schützen
- Mod: LWC - Truhe/Besitz wird geschützt
- Mod: Backup Software - Regelmäßige Backups erstellen.
We want to create a new Minecraft Server.
What do you expect from the Minecraft server and what can it be?Here is our proposal:
- Private Server (White listed) - only clan members or registered players are allowed to play (no public)
- Survival world - no cheats, no complex addons, back to the roots
- Clear rules / social behavior
- Mod: Multiverse - For a portal to the farm world and back
- Mod: xAuth - Login tool for better protect it against hackers
- Mod: LWC - Chest / possession is protected
- Mod: Backup Software - regularly backups
All in all we can say, that we have some players, who are interested in playing minecraft on our server.
potential participants(5/8):
- Alucard
- Blade
- Blaze
- headdy
- DaftleechWhat is up with you dertom?
Do you like to manage and be responsible for this Minecraft Server?We are talking about one minecraft server with 2 worlds (City world and Farm world) and short hand of plugins to protect the city, etc.
Hi Headdy,
thank you for your interest in our clan.
Your application is very detailed and i am really excited to meet you.Please join our teamspeak, if you are online to give the other members the chance to meet you, too.
During this time Mirko, Picknicker and me will discuss with our administrators, how we handle your application.
The reason for the discusion is that you are 14 years old and we only make exceptions in special cases.Are you able to be online on sunday, 03.11.13, 6pm CET?
On 31.10. is halloween and 01.11. we have holiday in germany. That is why we can not meet you earlier. we are all drunken =D.kind regards,
Ons alias Dominik -
hello Panda,
my opinion is free from own experience with you. it is simple based on facts.
I dont know, why you left the clan. But it seems like you are not really sure what you want.
Because you left us and in few day you want to rejoin.I like this clan, the clan is like my family. In my opinion you has to wait with joining, play a few month with us, with your clanfriends and if you are still interested in joining, we can talk about it. I want to see your will to join us.
ons -
BETA und andere nörgler:
Bitte listet mir alle aktiven Teams unseres Clans auf, welche aktiv in einer Liga spielen. Teamname, Liganame und aktuelle Platzierung. Mir sind zur Zeit nurnoch Public daddler bekannt. Die so Spass Mods wie KilltheKing oder so einen Dreck spielen. Aus diesem Grund begrüße ich fähige und sozialkompetente Leute im Clan, die auch daran interessiert sind, als Team in den Ligabetrieb wieder einzusteigen.Please tell me all active teams of our clan, which are active and play in one league. Teamname, league and current ranking. I still know active player, who are playing on public server only. Fun mods like KilltheKing and so unskilled shit. That is why I welcome new softskilled and qualified people in our clan, who are interested playing in league with their team.