Beiträge von ons

    hi Xenon,

    I do not know, if you really understand me.
    Please read my first post here.
    Last chance to modify your application.

    kind regards,

    Hi #removed

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    We are happy to tell you, that from now on you are a member of our clan.
    In the first 3-4 weeks you are trial, after this time without any troubles the trial status will be updated to fullmember automatically.

    If you are inactive in forum or teamspeak over few days, cause you are in holiday, have social life problems or dont know, please share this with us(post it on this board...).
    Please contact a server admin in teamspeak3 to get the 3xp member status.

    If you have any problems with members or admins, you can inform me everytime and I will try to solve the problem without saying the name of the person, who contacted me.

    Have fun in our clan,

    good morning Xenon,

    thank you for your interest in our community.
    Please modified your "funny" text to a real application. After reading this text, I do not really know, who you are, where are you from, which games do you play?
    The only thing I can gather from this text is, that you wanne have fun with people and fuck duffman.
    The essential question in your application must be: "Why we should accept you in our clan, a person who never joins our teamspeak, who never played any games with us?"

    Give us a chance to meet you, take 10 minutes of your time and write down few information about yourself or your personality.

    kind regards,

    Hi Stathis,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    We want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    That is why we started a voting, which all members are able to jugde your joining in our community.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi Blaze,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    The voting ends. Unfortunatly we have to reject your application, because of the negative result of the voting.

    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us via teamspeak, too.

    Kind Regards,

    Hi Logan,

    thank you for your application and your interest in our community.
    It is not possible to applicate for administration position without being a clanmember over a long time before.

    An Admin has big responsibility. That is why a foreign person can not be administrator for our gameserver.

    If you want to applicate for trusted player rights, please change your applicate in "trusted player application" and we will move this application into the right section.
    If you want to applicate for clan membership, please add more details about you in your application, where are you from, what are your interests, which games you played before, for example.

    kind regards,

    turn the lights off, cause i have to kill borrow. In the darknight it is easier to creep to borrow, give him a headnut, suck his blood out of his vein and fly away through the shadow of the moonlight. Everything is quite. Stunned from my headnut Borrow is shambling to the open window for calling help. But the cold draft from the open window has given him a stiff neck. That is why he hits the window frame and fall out through the open window into the cold darkblue river in front of the 3xP'castle. The moonlight is coloring red....

    Hallo lieber Zockerfreunde,

    nach langem Suchen haben wir endliche jemanden gefunden, der unseren Erwartungen entspricht und durch seine starke Persönlichkeit ein Teil des Teams wird. Der Tom wird ab sofort Administrator des Minecraftbereiches und mit TheOwnplay des Team der Administratoren verstärken.

    Der gebürtige Paderborner besucht zurzeit das Gymnasium im Hochsauerland und strebt die Leistungskurse Biologie und Englisch an. In seiner Freizeit ist der ehemalige DLRG Rettungsschwimmer im Schwimmverein tätig oder sonst mit seinem Hardtail in den Arnsberger Wälder unterwegs.

    Nach eigener Aussage möchte derTom dem Minecraftserver wieder mehr Stabilität bringen und seine Downtime auf 5% senken. Er wird massiv gegen Cheater, kognitiv suboptimierte Griefer und assoziale Mitspieler vorgehen, welche versuchen das harmonische Spiele Erlebnis unseres Minecraftservers zu stören.

    Der Tom möchte ein Minecraftadmin zum Anfassen sein. Ihr könnt ihn gerne jederzeit auf unserem Teamspeak3 besuchen, um euch nicht nur ein Bild von ihm zu machen, sondern gemeinsam die wunderbare Spielewelt des Minecraftservers zu erleben.

    Wir wünschen derTom viel Erfolg bei seinen Vorhaben und eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
    Euer 3xP'Team

    Hi mike,

    thank you for your interest in our community.
    Is it a application for community or clan membership?
    For community membership you don't have to write an application.

    kind regards,

    Hi Herobine, vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Bitte lade den Screenshot hoch und setze den Link hier rein. Wir werden uns dann direkt drum kümmern.

    Hi Logan,

    thank you for your interest in our community.
    Are you sure, that you want to be a clanmember or do you want kick/ban rights like trusted player?
    Do you have teamspeak3?
    Please join our teamspeak 3 server on

    kind regards,

    Hi LeExpert,

    please contact me on teamspeak3. I have to discuss your application with you.
    I usually online in the evening. Otherwise you can write me on pm.

    kind regards,

    Hi LeExpert,

    i am sorry, that my last answer is a few days ago. At the moment i have to find a lot administration solutions. The main topic is to find the best root server for our community.
    That is why we did not find the time to discuss your application. The next admin meeting is this sunday evening. After that I will write here.

    kind regards,