Beiträge von ChaoticZ.
haha klar, wenns zeitlich halt passt. Muss ich halt im Vorraus wissen
jetzt die 2 Wochen ist Abi Vorbereitung und Abitur, also lets see
Hab ich schon ewig nicht mehr..
klar hastag no life während Abiphase!
hey tom alles klar?
Yeah, it resetted, so replayed a bit, but it sucks doing all again. I checked the stats page, i use that one since 2013
Hey there
I hope, at least some of you still know me but I'll still introduce myself
1. My Stats:
Kill the King: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Nuketown: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Promod Sniper: About me:
My name is Marcel, I'm from Bavaria, Germany and I am 19 years old. I already was a member in 3xP some time ago, playing cod4 since ~2009, but now mostly only mods, like ktk and deathrun. I am usually on your ktk everyday, depends on how much time I have, as I'll soon have my final exams...
3. Why I want to be TrustedI liked my time in 3xP, I left for several reasons, didn't play much after leaving. I don't have the time to join a clan, but I'd still like to help you. I am loyal and mature, and I don't break the rules. I can help on ktk and dr, to clear situations, and check rule breakers, if needed. (1|0|0 is no real clan, just a tag of a few mates)
4. ContactWell, I have xfire (best0x0xd), but I don't really like it anymore, as it is really, really buggy on my PC (I am using HLSW as serverlist) , but I check the forum atleast once a day of course. I mostly play with music, so TS3 is aswell just in case.
5. RulesI know the rules and the commands (well mostly, I'll print them maybe, haha) , so I guess this won't be a problem. I agree with the rules and the "Read me" and I read it.
I hope I don't have to write anything for you to know me better? I hope so
1. Ingame Names: 1|0|0 ChaoticZ. AND 3xP' ChaoticZ.
2. GUID: e79cf197
Dropbox - shot0014.jpg
I have no clue which is higher, I am ok with both actually
4. best0x0xd
5. I don't know, did not play for a while, then it got reseted, same for deathrun, but there I regained the rank. But ktk was a huge work -
One does not simply mess with mirko if you want to get trial
Earlier my ingame name was MaRc (short for Marcel).. I used some aliases for promod... to be cool or something I don't know and one of them was Chaotic
One year ago or something like that I changed it to ChaoticZ.
btw., I made beats until 2011/12 with the name MaRc Beats .. also came from that ;DAnd how I came to "Marcy ChaoticZ." is not such long ago. Didn't want to use my real life name in Facebook anymore, so I just connected my nickname "Marcy" with my alias "ChaoticZ." and done ..
Am I the only one who thinks it comes gay with this headline? No offense ofcourse
i have never seen you on... ever. and ZOMFG ASDFGHJKL EYE CANCER
Shnye is now blind because of using the wrong forum skin -
I guess something should be done about that by the way
Mirko im online all the time on TS ;x Just everyone speaks german.. So, yeee....
Sorry, that is no excuse ... there are channels with "english only", get in there and wait till someone joins, I often see someone in there -
What the .. ?
Zitatso I would go further and become admin if possible.
Thats my stuff atm. I can play any game without a problem. (Ultra/High)
Actually I have to disagree.
If you are not used to it you don't like it. I switched from 7 to 8 then to 8.1 and i like it
It is faster, you have more options and it looks better. And there are not so much differences to 7, that you can say "Why do they change everything?" -
Without Activity your chances won't look any better I guess..