Even if you are too young, this app showed me that you really want to get in without crying for it. You have a really good english, I guess, I'd like to speak to you on Teamspeak if you want to
Then I'd give my vote
Beiträge von ChaoticZ.
Hab mit ihm gezockt, ist sympathisch und man kann ganz gut mit ihm zocken. +1
Played with him, nice and skiled
+1 -
And add 3 Slender Man in the Knife Area .. ?
Yeah, there are better mods for other games, like garrys mod, where one player is the slender and the others are the "Note-Finders" .. that's not too scary, but fun, because you don't have to kill the Slender
Got him today on TS, seems to be nice
yes from me -
You can set the dark theme as default and delete the white one, if it's like Prophpbb
Why don't you just delete the white theme?
Hmm .. this looks like made with Paint in 1 minute, sorry..
Hmm, I have never seen you, I guess. So I can't say anything bad / good about you, but maybe some more details about you would be good.
Well, I think it's more funny that he found the edit function, but put the edited text in the "Reason for edit"- Line ..
No offence, but you should be able to speak and write english without making too much errors, so that you can be understood. I don't know you, I have never seen you, so I can't say more -
@Para: hehe okay
"What Kresh thinks about Dutch?":
:whistling_1: :thumbsup_1:
That IS dutch! -
Well, I'm adopted?
Oh, shit .. adopted .. 3xP will be a big family .. -
@ ChaoticZ. in deinem ersten Clip war das nicht ein Miss bei 0:23 :biggrin_1:
Im unteresten?
Das sind nicht meine Clips, ist wie gesagt ein ContestTEMARi: Too bad 90 % of Promod Clips are faked / hacked, so I lost the fun in Editing this stuff
Maybe you should learn you need respect, it was no offence what I said, but it's like: Denied? Ok, let's try again