Any feedback :D?
Beiträge von Ravi
Well bouth will be the state i sued to be but im not sure if anyone will agree witht his withjout any tests or something
Do i have to create new topic or just add some of the details that changed? Or jsut leave it as it is since not much changed?
Can I re:apply haha ^^?
^6Yes^7 from my side
seen you a lot when im in CJ
This doesn't work, you need to install it on the new pc.. Drag and drop only works between different drives on same computer.
I literally have 9 years old version of cod on my pc and i alwyas do it this way -
You can basickly copy whole game from old pc and just paste it in new one and it should work... the only problem is you need to download dirextx 9 manualy cuz win 8/10 ddnt support it. So find a way to ahrd instal directx and you should be good to go.
Ctrl+C/V it in Osu skin folder
Holy shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeet i like your skin a lot
I'm up for osu! 3xP' forum page and stuff
Well i'm 100% osu streamer
My ingame is Ravi pm for mutual
I don't give out my skin but for you guys i can make exeption EnjoyI could be the official 3xP' AnimeClickers mapper. I mean just look at these beauties
TheFatRat - Windfall (mapped by Skorpiik)
Danny Baranowsky - Crypt of the NecroDancer OST - Crypteque (mapped by Skorpiik)
Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Close (High Frequency Remix) (mapped by Skorpiik)8ed25f82af.jpg The Necro dancer map is AWESOME! / And yes ive played on Jaymie Skin
60k can pass airman xD
Its No from me.
1. I never saw you in teamspeak so that's obvious lie.
2. You have 30 min time played on our server... (You need at least 100h)
3. Even tho you fulfill all requirements. You still need to meet/know US as clan members better. -
All of this ideas are amazing but i'm still waiting for clan chat only (#-clan chat) thats my idea
Woooooooooooo So nice
Name: Bartłomiej ( Bartek )
Ingame: Ravi
Country: Poland
Date of birth: 28.08.1994
Games: Lol, Osu, Bf3, Vindictus, and ofc CoD4 CoD Jumper
Why i want to join:
I think this part is not necessary, I love ppl from 3xP' they are most kind and helpfull ppl i know so far.
Always trying to help even if we ask them for thousand times per minute.
The whole comunity looks like one big family. Nobody gets angry/sad there is only place for love and sexiness
Thats why i want to be part of you guys. Im now in Cj team and i feel thats not enough. [( I want to be deeper ) <--- XD. no for real].
I think that preety much sums my point of view. You guys are the bestMore info: I'm a computer sience student. Single ( take your chance Drizz
). I love music, almost all kinds. Once I become a drummer <3. I realy realy like Anime.
My page: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Esport: i dont want to play anything competitive. Mby someday
Steam: comravi
Hope you'll love me if you dont love me yet
Thank you for reading / Ravi - wasz najukochańszy i prawie w ogóle nie zmuszony przez Dizza.I tak Cię kocham mój misiu
( translate to Eng )
From me
He's cool and very nice guy
And we all have fun with him when he's trting to say something and nobody understand what
He's kind, in our CJ server always try to help (unless he need it [ Drizzi] )
Thank you so much
i'm so happy i can be part of your CJ familiy and more
No Mirko thats the final version but thanks for your efort
Engi inter+
Thank you all for your support
You just want to edit the post and now half is gone or just w8ting for accept.
All add steam here : comravi -
Hello Guys.
My name is Bartek aka Ravi.
Im 20 yo i was born in 28.08.1994.
mp_oreba but i dont know why you put for example mp_sapace lower than oreba.
Gaps: 311 - 125 no rpg and 371 - 125 rpg.
I can speak Eng and Pl, live in Poland.
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
And part i dont like the most. So I am a student, studying computer science, I like to listen to every genre of music but my only love is metal. I love to watch anime
I played a lot of games but my best three will be: Cod 4 <3, Tera Online, Bioshock Infinite.
I agree, and I will observe by the provisions contained in the post of recruitment and try to be nice and helpful member of the clan.
Edit: Why i want to be the clan member.
I love to play CJ and enjoy it so I want to as many people could do that. So I'll try to help them, but it would be much easier with a rank. Well, how can you not love the 3xP members<--- main reason
Your forum dont like me at all