Beiträge von noobaim


    Hey its yaboi xxxbaddygodxxx here,

    Im wanna make a sad announcement, and im gonna miss al of you great people greatly. I had a great time and i like to drink 6% cider (man im a pussy),
    but i found a better life with the faggots on the JumpersHeaven server. I now am tryharding my best to complete mp_on_the_sky advanced way, freakz's walktrough really inspired me.
    No more good demos bcuz you guys fucking suck. so ill cya cunts on JH because im tired of helping people how to strafe on 3xp servers. stupid cunts only hold w. anyways later fags.
    And mostly thanks NoobAim for teaching how to not sucka t this game and for writing this goodbye.

    Challas eh kankerbledders.

    Baddy is too scared to write this thing so il do it for him. With much respect NoobAim <3

    I think this is a great idea, if everyone contributes to this i think we can have some proper CJ videos to look forward to every week! :thumbsup:
    It will also help keeping the 3xP' Main channel more active than it is now...

    1st FrisbeeSky
    2nd Rald
    3rd Hawk
    4th XPloz
    5th CoCoCod4
    6th Funk
    7th Karzye
    8th Chappie

    Dont feel offended when you are near the bottom, all the edits were solid and well made. For me Frisbee is the clear winner in this one, by a mile. He did a sick job on the transitions and the edit in general, the creativity is through the roof on this one. I feel sorry for the others that had to compete against a guy like Fris.

    This ranking is my personal opinion after watching all the edits.

    it's all personal preference so there are always ppl who will hate/love it. what i first did was go to cfgfactory and ownload 20 diffrent cfg's and test them all :P

    Does it really matter for what HawkSlayer need that settings? He asked for some help about that and that's it..

    About bitrate - there is no need for very high bitrate. Just use something proper to 4K resolution - 50-80 MB/s or more.

    If hes gonna post games, first of all its 4K so to maintain great detail in high movement u need high bitrate cuz u dont want artifacts...
    50/80MB/s is alot man xD (compared to a 1080p vid)

    well first of all your bitrate needs to be high as fuck, because youtube allows better bitrate for any resolution above 1080p so u better use that to ur advantage.