So, personally I think that these server messages about killstreaks/killstreaks ends are simply not needed and there're doing spam on chat (check attachment). I don't know how others players think about that and this is a good time to ask (or if u don't want spam, i can make another thread with it).
Solution: I think, that the best clue, when everybody will be happy (when there will be players, who want to keep them) is disabling all this stuff, except these on highest killstreaks like 30/35 and above. I think we can do the same thing with killstreak end messages - only above 30/35 killstreak.
Ofc if everybody will agree with dis idea we can disable all this stuff.
!a command doesn't work for all trusted players (dunno how it's working with members and above). Server says "no permissions".
!cmdlist server is returing "no permission"
!hey server is returning "no permission"
!rules command on dr and ktk is saying only one - Do not camp. On cj doesn't work completly, but I think there wasn't any cmd like that there.
when joining, server is pming me a rules (check attachment). It happens only on dr, i don't know if it was intentional.