Beiträge von Amnesia

    Thank you Ufaced!

    Yes, they never showed up.

    Btw, I had a good idea for the mam some weeks ago, when we had to deal with the russian hacker/spammer.
    I forgot it and now he's away anyways, but we might have to deal with these kind of people again, so:
    Would it be possible to add a mute function?
    So, for example, !mute [playername], and noone can see the player's chat messages, but he doesn't know that, so he will be pissed when everyone ignoreres him and leaves :D

    Ok, thanks for the information.
    I know, it isn't really an important thing, I just put everything I could think of in my post (not complaining though).
    The only suggestions I really care about are new ranks and new maps.
    And thanks for taking your time to read through this! Would be glad if the workaround for the ranks would work.

    Well, I meant talking with them ,that's what I always do before taking any action, and it usually works (as the 14-day without a kick period shows).

    However, about the XP: I still think it's a bug, because on maps like cherry or mario, when you finish the map or collect coins, you get the message "You earned 5XP", but you just get +2.
    It should give you the right amount of XP no matter how many players are playing.
    I don't really care about this as I'm 30, but it may matter for other players.

    Amnesia. your comments sound like the people I disguise the most on deathrun. power hunger noobs who find pleasure in hitting the kick button and ruin the fun. apply some tolerance will ya. ( it's no offense nor fact. it is an opinion based on the content provided above )

    I just checked the kick/banlist, my last kick was on 7.5.14, so 15 days ago, and I was playing everyday. I'm sorry for my diction if it sounded like I enjoy kicking people, I'm actually not.

    Thanks for answering! :)

    Since my old DR improvement thread doesn't exist anymore, I decided to create a new one.
    So, here we go:

    • More ranks. Would be really nice to keep playing after reaching the max level (30) more interesting. Doesn't even need any cool pictures, just the same as 30 would also be okay.
    • More maps. There is already a thread (link) for this. Afaik Ufaced is already working on this.
    • Map-Voting/Changing. For some reason it doesn't work, even if you use the correct mapname (example: !map mp_dr_glass2)
    • Fix the XP bug. For example on Cherry you should get 15XP for completing the map, but if there are less than 15 players, you only get 7. Same for converting credits into XP and challenges.
    • Updated grammar. There are many (beginner) grammar mistakes in the commands. I would participate to take a look at the list. :)
    • Delete the ability to voteban. I really don't think that players should be able to ban other players. Votekick is ok, but not ban.
    • Add a rule against complaining about acitvating (+trapcamping).

    Ofc anyone is free to post other suggestions in this thread. :thumbsup:
    Hopefully an serveradmin will sometimes have time to take a look at the suggestions and discuss whether they are possible or not.

    Best regards
    Amnesia aka Activator

    Leute, die Maps, die unter Old gelistet sind, sind ja noch immer drin. (obwohl man meiner Meinung nach mp_bouncer_training entfernen kann, die Map nervt sowas von)

    Man kann sich doch eh die nextmap voten oder nicht?
    ist es dann nicht scheiss egal =)

    Mit Rotation ist nicht die Reihenfolge gemeint, sondern die Auswahl, also alle Maps die verfügbar sind.

    What about 1v1 in sniper-endrooms?
    Normally only 1 jumper can join a room, but in some maps (like Diehard or Skypillar) there is no limit.
    In my opinion all jumpers should be able to join jump/old/... rooms, but I'm not quite sure about sniping rooms, as sniping is meant to be played 1on1.
    But on the other hand DR is about ALL jumpers VS the activator.. idk

    Edit: Btw, is killing also okay (instead of kicking)? It's more fun :D and the players just reconnect so it wouldn't really matter

    Sorry, but I smell BS.

    This was obviously your first profile (link) on 3xP' (Firstseen: 29.Sep.2013).
    Now you changed your key and got a new profile (link).
    From September 2013 until today you haven't even played 20h on the server (you need atleast 80h).

    And you said in your member application that you don't care if you have rights or not.. why do you want them now?

    So you just want to use the 3xp' Tag? I thought you were complaining about that there are barely any admins on DR? (which isn't true like i said)
    If you want to belong to our community, you have to communicate alot of with other members on Teamspeak. (Weren't you the guy who told me he hates talking online?)
    And noone really knows you here.. You have to be active on CoD4 and Teamspeak and be respectful and helpful with other players/members, to get a good reputation. But that takes a while..

    Anyways, a NO from me unitl we know you better.