Beiträge von Amnesia

    MW2 doesn't have a Aku afaik, or does the mod have a own one? But I'd need a source because you can't copy out a weapon just from the mod itself.

    - The Chicom should be 3 burst-fire and not fully automatic.

    Used to be 3 burst, I changed it to automatic so it's not weaker than the other SMGs.

    - Add MAM

    MAM will be on the offical server ofc, but it's not really needed on the beta server imo.

    - Pretty sure not all weapons (when fired) appear on the radar, for some reason.

    Crossbow, Ballistic Knife are not visible, and Ballista+Reaper but I think theyre surpressed.

    - Ballista and DSR50 need a fix. When you aim with them, the crosshair moves towards the bottom. Yet at the Slayv2 DR map, DSR works perfectly fine.

    I'll check that out, thanks.

    - Replace the AKu with skin, with either MW2/3's AKu or just some other weapon.

    I once tried to use the MW3 Aku but it gave an exceeded model error.

    Music: (I don't know how it'll work, but I can suggest a fuckton if you need me to)

    Songs will be available in the quickmenu. I hope I'll get a good song from every main genre so there's something for everyone.

    Lord of the Rings Bundle for 9.89€ (or 7.88€ with usa proxy)

    offer ends on:
    27.10.14 10:00 AM
    platform: steam
    additional info: bundle includes Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Guardians of Middle-earth, Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug’s Treasure (DLC), LEGO The Lord of the Rings, LEGO The Hobbit, LEGO The Hobbit – Complete DLC Pack, LEGO The Hobbit - Side Quest Character Pack, LEGO The Hobbit - The Battle Pack.

    Permabanning a trusted player who already plays 2 years on the server because she complained that he shouldn't mess up the server settings anymore... X/X/ gg

    The 3xp servers are getting reputation problems because of admin abuse events like this, 3xp staff, please do something about it! The new trustedranks are already a good step.

    Little update again (normally I wait for more bugs before I update, but they all were easy and quick to fix)

    • weaponfiles modified again (Remington Model Army is now 1 hit, KSG shotgun damage fixed,...)
    • fixed disappeared crossbow after secondary change
    • fixed the msmc missing fx // didn't show when bots had it, but apparently it still shows on players -.- // model creator used the wrong worldmodel in the weaponfile, should work now
    • new custom viewhands

    does the killstrek works on knife , i mean if i killed 3 or 5 with knife i will have steady aim and slight of hand ?

    Yes knifekills count for the killstreaks.

    NEW UPDATE :D (also on testserver)

    • replaced and added weapons (60 ranks now), changed some damages // 58 for now because one new weapon has a missing fx which is only seen by others // fixed
    • new order: pistols -> smgs -> shotguns -> assault rifles -> snipers -> special -> snipers -> assault rifles -> shotguns -> smgs -> pistols (only 1 kill needed)
    • decreased speed a bit (but just a bit :P )
    • added killstreaks: 3 kills = steady aim, 5 kills = sleight of hand, 7 kills = ninja (faster, quit and longer run)
    • empty desert eagle as secondary weapon
    • promod tweaks/dvars on secondary nade

    TO-DO list (I need help for that, that's why it's not in the update yet)

    • startmenu
    • fixing deathstreak and final killcam
    • hud elements instead of simple text at kill/deathstreak

    fixed version:

    There was a mismatch between the bitch and guy called bartolomaeus, so he thought of going to drink some cold ass beer but the beer was not cold, it was warm, so he ran

    The first song doesn't fit the theme, even when used in the secret.
    2nd is okay, and the 3rd could be used when the acti wins.
    If you still need background music for rooms etc, you might want to pick something from here.