Beiträge von Viruz

    I Just want to collect the Oppinion of the Community, everyone of the community can vote.

    As i think it just causes promblems & leaving of players on every of our servers (CJ, Nuketown, KtK, Deathrun, HC) members got the permissions to execute .map/!map
    because the mods which requires mapchanges got a voting system for it.

    Mirko is an other meaning and says its usefull for Hardcore when the server is empty and for kill the king, and dont want to change the permission diffrent for the servers.

    So we want to collect Your oppinion about it so,

    Pls Vote!

    Looks like like dont work:

    Cant read anything on this russian website, i just know that it looks diffrent from what i know from a dl link of this site, cand find buttons to click

    So nypk,

    to be onest i personally dislike your application "edit" because of varius reasons.

    So basicly everything which diffrentitate and "Edit" from a "Gameplay" is missing, let me collect some points:

    -You used the chromakey intro without the chromakey effect or any sync, which makes it useless and you could have used the other intros
    -You did not disable the HUD, which makes the "edit" look just like a normal gameplay
    -You did not do any kind of syncronization dont matter if its kills, cuts, effects, deaths or anything
    -You randomly added 1 or 2 effects at randomly choosen points
    -Your choice of music is like meh
    -You did not used any kind of velocity changing at anypoint in this video, its 100% all the time
    -This randomly placed 2d text animations are needless
    -The text you placed in endcard is white, so it looks very diffrent from the other text in the endcard
    -It seems like you used an Uncompressed codec to render this video, because it was 1,8 GB big, Youtube will rerender every not streamable codec (too less compressed codecs) which means quality loss.

    All in all i can say that i dont think this is an "Edit" its more like a best of gameplay of public kills.

    I think you are at the very beginning of your editing carreer, this basicly looks like your first call of duty edit you made,
    also it dont looks like you put very much effort in it.

    I think this is not what we want on the 3xP' Clan Channel

    Please dont take any of this offensive, its just my personal oppinion about your video,



    #Added a requirement

    - Look into the Board around 1 Time per Week to stay tuned about updated Youtube norms, new intros and other stuff

    #Added some information about your Application Edit and how we will deal with it

    Your application-edit have to be 25+ seconds (+15 seconds endcard)

    Your application edit will be rated under the following aspects.
    - Quality
    - Sync
    - Innovativity
    - The overall Virtue
    - Community Statements
    - Moviemaking Team Statements

    After we took a look over your application edit and have a good feeling about the quality and style of your edit,
    If will be made public on our youtube channel, after it was public around 4 days, we will finnaly decide about your application.


    looks nice! just a few things missing :P:

    You for got to add a video from our channel into the video preview of the endcard and to add the title text ontop of the video preview


    -15 seconds long.
    -Video preview in the box on the right.
    -Name of the video in the videopreview box, ontop of the preview box.
    -continue the music u used at end of the video, in the endcard.
    -Use Oxygen font for endcard texts

    After you done this pls upload the Video on an external uploading platform so we can upload it on the 3xP' Youtube channel :D.

