3xP' Moviemaking Team Application Process [Read before apply]

  • Hey Guys,

    We are presenting you our 3xP' Moviemaking Team, the leaders of this Team are 3xP' Drizzjeh & 3xP' Viruz.

    We form this to unite some nice and talented editors together, to form a Youtube Channel
    which will cover a lot of diffrent games and editing styles.
    We are interested in editors for CS:GO, Cod4 Promod & Other Call of Dutys, CoDJumper, Q3 Defrag, W:ET Trickjump and more.

    The Requirements for a Member of 3xP' Moviemaking Team are as follows:

    - Producing at least one Video per month for the 3xP' Clan Channel (with execptions)
    - No need for 3xP' Clan Membership
    - Have to follow our Youtube Norms
    - Stay in Contact with the 3xP' Moviemaking Leaders through any kind of Communication Programm
    - Look into the Board around 1 Time per Week to stay tuned about updated Youtube norms, new intros and other stuff

    We have to say that we only give the YT Channel login data to very trustful 3xP' Moviemaking Team Members, which
    are very activly producing videos and which we know from teamspeak or Clanpartys, being a 3xP' Clan Member can be useful.

    So as a new Member in the 3xP' Moviemaking Team you have to upload the edits you make for 3xP' Clan Channel on external
    Uploading platforms like Simple File Sharing and Storage. so we can upload them.

    You dont have to be a part of the 3xP' Moviemaking Team to upload videos on our channel. If you do one video
    in one year or something, just contact an 3xP' Moviemaking Team Leaders if you want to upload this on 3xP' Channel.

    When you take a look over our 3xP' Channel you will see that the most of our videos are codjumper videos,
    but we dont want it to stay like this, we want to expand in CSGO, Cod4 Promod, Reallife sport and other edits.

    The Application Process for the 3xP' Moviemaking Team

    to apply for the Team you will have to do an application edit, which gives us a look into what you
    want to do on the 3xP' Clan Channel, and what your abilitys are.
    We are also accepting medium skilled editors!
    Your application-edit has to fullfit our Youtube Norms which you can read "HERE"
    If you have any questions about our Youtube Norms feel free to ask us.
    Your application-edit have to be 25+ seconds (+15 seconds endcard)

    Your application edit will be rated under the following aspects.
    - Quality
    - Sync
    - Innovativity
    - The overall Virtue
    - Community Statements
    - Moviemaking Team Statements

    After we took a look over your application edit and have a good feeling about the quality and style of your edit,
    If will be made public on our youtube channel, after it was public around 4 days, we will finnaly decide about your application.

    You have to write a short introduction of yourself in "HERE" which should contain the following contents
    - The Download Link to your Application Edit (will be uploaded on 3xP' Clan Channel)
    - Your First Name & Ingame Name
    - Your Birthdate
    - Links to some of the videos you made and The YT Channels you were part of
    - Why you want to join 3xP' Moviemaking Team
    - What you want to do in 3xP' Moviemaking Team
    - An agreement that you read this thread and our youtube norms.

    So hopefully see your apply soon!


    3xP' Viruz & 3xP' Drizzjeh

  • #Added a requirement

    - Look into the Board around 1 Time per Week to stay tuned about updated Youtube norms, new intros and other stuff

    #Added some information about your Application Edit and how we will deal with it

    Your application-edit have to be 25+ seconds (+15 seconds endcard)

    Your application edit will be rated under the following aspects.
    - Quality
    - Sync
    - Innovativity
    - The overall Virtue
    - Community Statements
    - Moviemaking Team Statements

    After we took a look over your application edit and have a good feeling about the quality and style of your edit,
    If will be made public on our youtube channel, after it was public around 4 days, we will finnaly decide about your application.