As a little bird once crashed into a hudge and
Beiträge von TEMARi
TEMARi is just one of my names :p i used A LOT of aliases before, cant even remember how many, probably like 10+ xD
but the name TEMARi name originates from a japanese anime series, Naruto.
Temari is a character in the anime and i thought the name is cool x) -
"Hacking is like smoking, once you start, you'll enjoy it and it's hard for you to give it up, but it's possible if you really want to.."
Ehm Headdy did u not read what i said =_=
1. 500w psu enough
2. Athlons are shit
3. Get a better mobo ( intel or good MSI )
4. Get better cpu.. quad core ofc -
Get an MSI GTX 660, Quad Core i5 or i7 and 500w psu To all of you who are thinking you need 600w cpu for normal pc, you are wrong. I was thinking the same and i got a 620w psu, and my friend sent me this video : How big of a Power Supply do you REALLY need? - YouTube ; 500w is enough Watch all the video and see yourselves..
Ehm going back to your upgrade, if you get the gfx,cpu and psu , you'll be fine I myself use a 19" screen and i prefer it over widescreen ones for gaming.. But you better off get a better monitor anyway and a P67 motherboardI hope you'll make a good choice man. gl
+1 , cool guy and friend , notbad. on deathrun and active on ts
TEMARi: Too bad 90 % of Promod Clips are faked / hacked, so I lost the fun in Editing this stuff
Nah, more like 60% The best : Use your own promod clips to edit, thats what i do :p
cool guy and also plays promod , active on dr. so +1 from me
-1 coz he copied kave's and my bind -.- (<toplel.exe)
My opinion ( somehow i couldnt vote ) Respecting turns at endrooms should definitely be a rule .Idk about old. I just rush and try to get the kill But 1v1 can be applied too. It'd be hard to control when there are more than 5 players finished the map. BTW , UPDATE THE RULES ON THE SERVER!!! so its clear what the rules are coz some people aren't sure.
PC sur mesure : Config'O'Matic par Top Achat ! This is one i would buy if i was you
I agree with Ufaced
Feeling proud at 28killstreak melee only @cave in the first round i connected
Holy sheeeeet Wing, n1
Skalli is right. There's nothing wrong with activating , but trapcamping is just gay
Nah, It's fair because acivator is only 1 person. It's hard to kill about 15 people rushing you on old with only a melee ...