MiLo <3 tries... again :D

  • Hi my name is Milo and im 17 years old. I was born in 1995 and my Location is the UK. I am studying in Collage right now.

    I would want to join 3xP' because I am very interactive on the server and I get on with other players and members in the server. I mainly play your 3xP' Deathrun server. I've been playing that server for around 4-6 months and all the other servers I've been playing for around 2-3 months.

    If I ever got the chance to be in 3xP' i would be on the Deathrun server alot having a look out for people who are breaking rules or not playing fairly. If this did happen I would first give them a warn and then a warn again. But then if they don't listen to me I would maybe give them a kick. If it is stuff like people Lag jumping i would temp-ban them.

    I have donated 5 euro to your server for ViP for one month. I am willing to donate more and more often.

    I talk to alot of the Members and Admins on Xfire and we most of the time never have arguments. Instead we have a really nice conversation for a long time. You can contact me on Xfire or Steam to. Xfire Username: wright069 Steam Username: wright069. I will be on Xfire most of the time so i will take any advice from anyone if needed.

    Your Sincerely,

    Milo Wright!

    By the way, My In-game name is: =PrO=MiLo <3. So you might see me around on your server. :thumbsup: 8)

  • Hey Milo,

    thank you for your interest in our community.
    Please be aware that we have to check your application with our community rules first before we can take next steps.
    If you have any questions about this, please contact us via PM or Teamspeak.


    [Postscript (not for you Milo):
    Auf jedenfall sein Alter per TS oder so checken, weil ich bezweifle dass das angegebene Alter richtig ist. Kenne ihn und die meisten
    aus =Pr0= vom Deathrun, und fast alle da sind zehn bis vierzehn Jahre jung.]

  • Hi Milo,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    We want to know our prospective members personally in order to figure out that they fit in our community.
    The follo#removed dates and informations are important to be observed for the completion of this process if you are interested in membership:

    • Meeting on Teamspeak - 16.12.2012 8pm CET (IP:

    If it is not possible for you to join our teamspeak server or you want to have another day to talk to us, do not hesitate to answer here.
    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us here, too.

    Sincerely Regards,
    Ons alias Dominik

  • Ich denke ich kann auch mal meinen Senf dazugeben und finde ihr solltet ihm wenn er euch nich tbeweisen kann das er 17 ist trozdem eine chance geben solltet denn wenn er scheise macht könnt ihr ihn ja wieder weg machen oder sowas also dann leute viel spaß noch beim Spielen
    MFG Wolfi2222

  • Hey Wolfi,

    ich glaube das dein "Senf" hier nicht von Nöten ist, zumal
    du nichts mit dem CoD Bereich zutun hast, Milo im Gegensatz
    zu uns nicht kennst, und dein Rat zur Objektivität ebenfalls
    nicht nötig ist, da wir uns dessen selbst bewusst sind.

    Er kriegt wie jeder andere auch eine Chance, nur möchten wir
    bevor wir eine Mitgliedschaft überhaupt in Erwägung ziehen ein paar
    Dinge mit ihm vorab in einem persönlichen Gespräch klären.