I've been wanting to make this application for a long time now, it's been over two years as i got accepted as trusted level 2.
Currently I am 15years old, but turning 16 in less than two months ^ - ^
Enjoying my life almost to the fullest, finally. :>
I'd like trusted level 3 cause there are times people ask for help on the CJ server and I'd like to help, but don't have the powers to teleport to the person to help. So instead i have to go all the way to the person to help, but by the time i get there, i realise the person has already left the server.(has occurred a lot of times which is kindof annoying)
I've been spending a lot of time on the 3xP' CJ server lately as well.
My overall statistics
My CoDJumper stats page
My lvl1 application
My lvl2 application