mp_bi by Bone release (bioshock themed map)

  • Hello, I'd present the map mp_bi created by Bone/Styx|Bone (map name was gonna be changed). Before I say more about the map, I have to let you guys know that this map is not fully finished and cannot be completed due to Bone's hard drive failure and therefore a loss of the .map file. However the map was really close to done and is perfectly playable.

    The reason why I wanted to publish this map is that this is by far the most beautiful map I've ever seen. Bone put into it so much time and effort and noone being able to see it just because of a hard drive failure is quite sad. So I asked Bone if I could release the almost finished version which I've had saved from when I was helping him with testing.

    All credits go to Bone. This map is a true masterpiece. Really, make sure you play it and if not play at least have a look at all the beautiful buildings.

    Map download link:

    Random screenshot from the map:

  • I wouldn't say that it's lost forever. Once we will be able to get the .map files somehow - decompile or recreate it from game memory - doesn't matter.
    Protection against this is already done, which is quite funny...

  • Once we will be able to get the .map files somehow - decompile or recreate it from game memory - doesn't matter.

    Is there an active effort in finding a way to do this? We could complete some of the many unfinished maps this way or edit current ones that have impossible bounces (many maps have 1-2 jumps that are imposs and its annoying me more than it should). Also this way we could recover a lot of lost projects, not just mp_bi.

    Idk, I've heard about this a few times but never actually known anyone directly working at it.
    There's huge potential here, but also a lot of downsides and it could get abused a lot, like people stealing .map files for their own projects for example.

  • Link.

    We don't have to care about the downsides for several reasons, might explain this once in the future.
    Also the protection might work well, but can't test it without any working decompiling method.

    Edit: I have to say that what you can see in this video was already possible before, so there is nothing new since years.

  • If anyone is interested, I've found a small preview from the original mapper (keep in mind that this is older than the released version):

    [2017-07-25 17:17:37] Funk Attack: bunny called u weak for only giving 30min ban
    [2017-07-25 17:17:46] 3xP' AlterEgo: can you ss it