Guid dd98031f
Reason ban avoid
If you got banned for silent aim/aimbot/no recoil, you've to answer some more questions:
What did you do before you got banned: well i was first using roccat silent aim and got banned twice so i waited a few monts and got bored so i changed the keycode and started playing again but Dertom banned me because "ban avoid" but i deleted the roccat and i promise i will change i just want to play Some kill the king and my friend N17RO can comfirm i deleted it beacuse we are friends IRL and i showed him that
Is/was your game laggy or was the server laggy: No
n my brother is watching Youtube
Map: Strike and Lolzor
Position on the map: outside the building and on top of the stairs (lolzor)
Do you use special scripts/bind like autofire/mousewheel shooting/tap fire/reponse trigger/fast shoot/weapswitch No
I would like to get a second chance to play on KTK server i promise i will change (i did) i wont hack anymore is promise and you can observer me if you want i just want to play some ktk(kill the king).

- Dodiplay
- Erledigt
That's true
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He already got banned two times for hacking.Edit//
Dude he said that XD "well i was first using roccat silent aim and got banned twice so i waited a few monts and got bored so i changed the keycode and started playing again but Dertom banned me because "ban avoid" but i deleted the roccat and i promise i will change i just want to play Some kill the king and my friend N17RO can comfirm i deleted it beacuse we are friends IRL and i showed him that"
I know but this time i didnt hack
You have been caught two times, but I'm totaly sure, that you were using hacks more times and you just haven't been caught.
We all hate cheaters.
So for me two times is the reason to ban you again after reconnect. Sorry, but this is how we're deal with that kind of people.
If you hadn't used your haxs, you would play normally these days. You just got a lesson. Next time you'll think twice before trying to use hax.
but i don't use it again and i was banned for a few monts but i want to play again and i promise i wont hack
im deeply sorry
Siwy it's not 'he used haxors' it's 'he used hax' or 'he is a haxor'.. Grammar matters
And about the topic: No unban. (if I were to decide).
As said before: we hate cheaters. Once a haxor always a haxor. -
but i wont hack anymore
i promise -
+1 Exce!
Also, if i was going to decide... i would say no unban.
He has got banned twice now. Which means, when he hacked once, he didn't get a lesson for that. PLUS - He hacked after 3 months after, he got his first ban from 3xP' Servers.If he gets unbanned, there is still a chance he can use the hax again.
nUKA -
But i wont
@Exce Thank you for showing me mistakes
@Dodiplay There are just words ... We can't be sure that you won't hack. You know, if you used it once, later you will have a temptation to do it again. And I don't know whether you will give up to it or not. One time (or even more) you gave up. Maybe later your will will be strong enough to say no. Maybe your will is strong enough now. But there must be punishment for what you have done.
Just my thoughts about all this situation.
Btw. you wrote in first post about second chance. It has been already given to you ...
But i know its better to play without hack beacuse you cant see people through walls soo you have too relay on your scent of hearing to know if he is there or not and to learn how to shoot then just to get headshots all the time its funner to learn
soo im begging you to give me another chance -
Too late hu?
Banned is banned
Hi everyone btw
K thanks