so i came across two very obvious little ones when i randomly wanted to make a pub video.
i'm seeing now that one of the guys was taken care of by the one and only beautiful update therefore i'm not going to waste time looking up his guid or anything.
so, about the other guy, AnalBlitzkrieg (rly creative name rly).
stats - 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
guid - 1044e872
and of course, the proof.
casual pub gameplay with the casual everyday hackers - YouTube
i did not record a demo, and honestly, this should be enough. it's pretty clear around 6:00 and one or two rounds after that.

Dual cheater report - Freeze and AnalBlitzkrieg
- mwahh
- Erledigt
Thanks for the report and I'm sure someone will take action. If I'm right, update is a trusted Player. I think he can tempban.
Next time you see someone, you can write it in the Shoutbox too, should be fasterPS. Gimme dat cfg pls
Greetz HD
I hope i dont tempban when i use .ban command.
recorded that analblitz guy for couple of rounds, but didnt catch him using something.