Roofers CodJumper Team App

  • Roofers Application Enjoy.

    Your Ingame Name: Roofer also known as qLimax.

    -Your Birthdate: 1997. 18 years old

    -Your hardest Map you finished out of this list3xP' Map List : Galexy inter , mp_palm hard

    -Your gaprecord with and without rpg: My gap record without rpg is: 310 (333) and dunno rpg gap

    -The Languages u are able to talk & The country in which you life: I live in the united kingdom, i speak English and only English.

    -Why you want to join 3xP' Codjumper-Team: Because all of my friends play on it and I want to be something more than I already am, and i just enjoy playing on the servers. Mostly Codjumper server.

    -Your 3xP' Statistics page profile link - 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details

    -And some more text where u introduce yourself a bit: I like smoking playing cod and eating but overall I like playing on my pc.

    -Write something about your gaming past (Other Clans u were in, games u played etc.) I have played Mw2 , CSGO , Osu(horrible game) and that is it. And other clan I have being in is !TTM! TheTwistedinds.

    -Write an Agreement that you will follow this rules and agree with them and that u read them: I read the rules, and i shall not break the rules ever.

  • #Accepted!