Name: Bartłomiej ( Bartek )
Ingame: Ravi
Country: Poland
Date of birth: 28.08.1994
Games: Lol, Osu, Bf3, Vindictus, and ofc CoD4 CoD Jumper (addicted)
Why i want to join:
I think this part is not necessary, I love ppl from 3xP' they are most kind and helpfull ppl i know so far.
Always trying to help even if we ask them for thousand times per minute.
The whole comunity looks like one big family. Nobody gets angry/sad there is only place for love and sexiness
Thats why i want to be part of you guys. Im now in Cj team and i feel thats not enough. [( I want to be deeper ) <--- XD. no for real].
I think that preety much sums my point of view. You guys are the best
More info: I'm a computer sience student. Single ( take your chance Drizz ). I love music, almost all kinds. Once I become a drummer <3. I realy realy like Anime.
My page: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Esport: i dont want to play anything competitive. Mby someday
Steam: comravi
Hope you'll love me if you dont love me yet
Thank you for reading / Ravi - wasz najukochańszy i prawie w ogóle nie zmuszony przez Dizza. I tak Cię kocham mój misiu
( translate to Eng )