Which ones are the most nerfed since season 1 in your opinion?
For me AP Yi R.I.P., Lee Sin (will be nerfed in new patch, no reduction of AS) and Kha Zix (which is useless with his W).

Most nerfed champs
Heimi is strong enough xD
league of legends sucks
well ye i miss AP Yi too..
i dont understand rito politics... there are several champions who get never picked just because there are useless or not meta-fitting. i wanna play urgot so damn bad.
well ye i miss AP Yi too..
i dont understand rito politics... there are several champions who get never picked just because there are useless or not meta-fitting. i wanna play urgot so damn bad.
today i have played with urgot in my team on aram, he was such a beast! but its true that almost no one plays him in normal games or even rankeds