My players stats 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details ... I have another account on my i.p. because my brother played cj with me as well. He's never got a warning besides farming but he is not very active any how
Hello! My name is Hunter and I am 19 years old from Arizona, USA. I like to watch a lot of anime and sit on my lazy but playing on your server When I'm not sitting at my computer I'm either at work or playing cod4 on xbox 360
My first video game was halo1 and halo2 on the original xbox! Halo was my favorite game at the time until 2007 when Modern Warfare was released. I played for 4 years in TDM, S&D and Domination until I was shown my first glitch on crossfire on old school mode. After doing my first glitch I was so excited I had to look up some more on youtube!
I quickly picked up strafe jumping and bounce techniques and would constantly play michael myers with my buddies and still do to this day In 2013 I bought cod4 for my pc mainly to play codjumper, however I couldn't reach anything above 125 fps. I got really into zombie mods for a while until I got bored and returned to xbox. By August 2015 I had a better pc to play on and decided to join the styx server. I could finally hit 333 fps and started doing easy paths!! I played very few hours on styxs until R Paiin had mentioned he was on the 3xp jumping and sent me the server ip
I played on the 3xp server for 8 months or so before I joined Alter ego's NH' server and was an NH' member until he closed the server in sep. 2016
. Since then Ive been back on 3xp and play several hours a week
Why I want to be trusted player? I'm definitely not the most skilled cod jumper but I love to help others! It brings much joy to be able to help someone make a bounce or teach them a new technique. Because of my weird work schedule I always play at random hours of the day and have seen no members in the server and players breaking rules such as spamming server ip's and just being plane rude to each other.
Ways to contact me> steam:illahunter or on here I open up the forum at least a few times a week.
I'd really like to join the cj team eventually but my skills progress pretty slowly so it may be a while
I have read and agree to all the rules !!
Thanks for reading