The most thing I hate is when people mix up 'then' and 'than'. .___________.
haha, yeah, like ufaced said in his offtopic post x)
but there are plenty of things people mix up^^
like "their" and "there"
or "your" and "you're" like "your welcome" xD
The most thing I hate is when people mix up 'then' and 'than'. .___________.
haha, yeah, like ufaced said in his offtopic post x)
but there are plenty of things people mix up^^
like "their" and "there"
or "your" and "you're" like "your welcome" xD
haha, xD
okay, I'd say this is a 1:1 for you #removed xD
what I wanted to say with this was: "...except of: having fun, don't be offended if you'll get corrected in here and spam "
so you corrected me but I wanted to write it in a diffrent way
edit: might be right #removed, but since I love forums way too much I hate double posts or offtopic. so I prefere posting nothing instead of something offtopic
and yeah, kinda fells like a thread to school you but would that be so wrong? I'd love to reimprove my english skills
even though I disslike offtopic posts I had to laugh at the BF4 thread and ufaceds post xD
so I decided we'd need a special spam thread to correct each other xD
even though I try not to make mistakes, I do plenty of 'em 'cause I'm not as used to english as I used to be =( (and it's not my mother tongue)
since this is an offtopic spam thread there are no rules needed except of having fun, don't be offended if you'll get corrected in here and spam :troll:
now feel free to correct any mistakes I might've made and start spamming :lol:
personally I don't like to force people to join TS but I know about our TS activity problem and I don't have a better idea so... it's cool :thumbsup_1:
but maybe add one or more channels like "waiting for players"?
so you can join this channel before or while playing to show others that you really WANT to play with other clan members? =)
just my 2 cents^^
aaah, my eyes X_x
turn the lights off - playing in the dark is much more comfortable
oh gott, da gibts so unglaublich viele, aber sehr geil, vll find ich so auch n paar neue xD
bei sehr vielen kann ich dir nur sehr zustimmen, muss mal schauen was mir auf anhieb noch einfällt was du noch nich hast^^
[*]boondock saints - der blutige pfad gottes
[*]boondock saints 2 - der blutige pfad gottes 2 (definitiv beide ganz oben dabei^^)
ab hier ist die liste nur grob alphabetisch geordnet, die zahlen sind nur für mich aus neugierde wieviele es so sind/werden^^ vll hebe ich besonders gute noch farblich hervor
[*]alien 1-4 (sehr geil wie die 4 filme von anderen gemacht wurden aber passen super zusammen und die haupt tussi is immer am arsch ey xDD )
[*]american shaolin
[*]8 mile
[*]9 (ja, der heisst wirklich nur 9)
[*]12 monkeys
[*]bangkok dangerous
[*]bullettproof monk
[*]berlin calling
[*]con air
[*]Death Race (gibt auch nen 2. teil, wenn man beide sehen will sollte man den zuerst schauen....erzählt grösstenteils das gleiche wie man schon im 1er erfährt und etwas vorgeschichte)
[*]der lorax
[*]das fünfte element
[*]das gibt ärger
[*]duell - enemy at the gates
[*]der 200 jahre mann
[*]der plan
[*]fast and furious 1-6
[*]flypaper - wer überfällt hier wen?
[*]from paris with love
[*]forbidden kingdom
[*]gamer (sehr geiler film, gefägnisse sind überfüllt und es gibt RL sims und RL COD - anschauen lohnt sich!!! wer ihn kennt: stell dir mal nen porno auf dem teil vor! xDDD )
[*]goon - kein film für pussies (sehr geil und stiffler mal in nett und true doof xDD )
[*]gremlins!1+2 xD
[*]ghettogangz 1+2 - die hölle for paris
[*]highlander 1-3
[*]hip hop hood
[*]how high
[*]iron sky - wir kommen in frieden
[*]indiana jones 1-4
[*]i robot
[*]i am legend
[*]jede sekunde zählt - the guardian
[*]karate kid 1-3 + der neue
[*]kiss of the dragon
[*]knight and day (auch sehr cool, haha xD )
[*]malibus most wanted
[*]pitch black - riddick und der neue riddick
[*]repo men
[*]rambo 1-4 xD
[*]the blind side (geiler football film)
[*]shooter (epic scharfützen film^^)
[*]way of war
[*]world invasion - battle los angeles
*hust* okay, lol, soviele sollten das garnicht werden, aber bei dem versuch die halbwegs zu ordnen wurden es irgendwie immer mehr xD
dragonbsll z
dragonball gt
have fun spending hours and hours on these amazing series xd.
he said no anime but I wanted to post that, too x)
watching it right now^^
and don't forget about the simpsons! :thumbsup_1:
DON´T know what i have more to say.
hobbys? warum du joinen willst? wielange du schon spielst bzw hier spielst? ob du nur promod spielst oder auch woanders? da gibts soviel was man schreiben könnte
schade, dass ich schon member bin, sonst würde ich mich jetzt bewerben mit "member plz" :thumbdown_1:
edit: haha, yeah annonymous x)
deine bewerbung gefällt mir^^
wann hast du denn geburtstag?
hast du unsere bewerbungsregeln gelesen? dich im TS schon mit einem admin unterhalten??^^
well, we could meet there next weekend :thumbsup_1:
NEW Terms of Application - IMPORTANT TO READ
ZitatThe applicant has to join the 3xP' TS3 server FIRST BEFORE he/she sends in his/her application.
He/She has to talk (!) to a Main/CoD4/Minecraft/DayZ admin and ask the admin for permission to applicate.
After one of the admins gives his 'okay' the applicant is allowed to send in his/her application and the admin who gives his 'okay' verifies the application with an answer post.
Applications that are not verified within 24h will be rejected and closed without discussion.
edit @ admins: maybe add a short sentence to the "clan applications" telling them to read the rules and join teamspeak BEFORE creating a thread (like we had when the recruitment was closed)
I'll try to make a skin xD
haha, no, it's okay, totally got that x)
but no, I suck at graphic design xD
just thought to share my thoughts with you and hoped you'd make a second one because in my head it looks awesome :lol:
maybe use the original knife skin instead of the white parts and a a few blood drops? I think it would look way cooler^^
this is not an application, he just wanted us to know^^
Zitat[Heute, 15:24] fastboy: yeah sure.. im only asking.. btw show your name instead off #removed ?
[Heute, 15:10] #removed: fastboy NO is also a vote , you should pick your words carefully
[Heute, 14:17] fastboy: vote for me pls
and an extremly short application
+1 for^^
offtopic: his name IS #removed :troll:
I don't get what you ment aurel but weed is right x)
and I'm not 100% sure right now but I think it was montpellier, it was years ago^^
some years later we went to poland and left school years ago^^
yeah, true, when I was in france with school for an exchange I had a female exchange student and she was a nearly as huge rammstein fan as I was back then x)
she knew nearly every song and sang it with a nice voice and french accent, sounded really cool xD
lol, WTF aurel xD
read "ich bin ton père" in german and asked my self wtf? we don't have `´^ in german O.o
until I watched this cracked vid and realized he says "I am your father" xD
ich kenn dich zwar noch nicht, fände es aber cool wenn du mal bei mir aufm KtK vorbeischauen würdest :biggrin_1:
ausserdem hast du am gleichen tag geburtstag wie ich :thumbsup_1: :lol: