@Noob lol I’m waiting for my feedback if Luzzi is bad Jesus!
Beiträge von BreeZe.
Ingame name - BreeZe.
birthday - 26/01/1992
Hardest map completed - Mp_Newgate (hard)
Gap record - no idea to be fair have not really tested my self on that.
Language - English + the use of google translate
Why i want to join 3xp - Reason why i want to join 3xp is because, ive been playing cod4 for many years, you will my hours on the stats page is very low its because of a new pc i got last year so getting back in CJ.. trying to be as good as Noob, should not be too hard eh
3xp is the probably the best server on cod4, i do also play on JH but not too often. i try to help others when i can and i speak to people with respect. have a bit of a banter sure. otherwise i would be a boring person. i did previously apply for trusted but never succeeded because i dont really talk a lot on the server. i just like to play but now im trying to type to people make my self known ect ect. you seem like a great bunch of lads anyways and would love to join .
Statistics page - http://stats.3xp-clan.com/client/f490b9fchttp://stats.3xp-clan.com/client/7b24c8e5
steam page - don't really use just because i use discord.
About me - well my name is Shawn, come from Essex the Towie ends, hang my self. im 26 working for virgin media as an installer, i dont really do much other than work and spend time with my misses and as im whipped as fuck. lads don't get a girlfriends it fucks life up! other than that.. i love spending time with family and try and game as much as i can. i also like my holidays abroad, been many places.. Cuba Turkey Egypt and going Canada in September so immm a travel the world. kind of music.. anything that has a good beat i will listen too but my fav is most likely dance and DnB. did have a social life but then got engaged... love her to pieces though. so shes still ass.. spend majority of my time wither or at work. anyways thats my life really bit boring but its growing up eh! thank you!
Other gaming Clans - well codjumper - JT| , eBc , Styx ,
General clan - ISDP , MSG , VSG.agreement and rules - i accept and will follow all rules and procedures.
peace out and thank you
I still think a chance would be nice ain't that bad of a lad trust me alter. And i know it's the trust around other member but I'm sure at least majority of yours could of would trust me .
@heat I understand that I have to be more talkative and that .. but I should think it's more of helping people with trusted and not being a douche. Like I said I'll be more talkative I'll just wait .. but still ain't right .. anyways thanks
I'm just saying .. not sure the perks of being a trusted player . But I'm sure if I did something wrong with the rights I was given then you'll ban me anyways . It's not like I'm hack you're server I don't own the knowledge of that!
The problem here is hawk is the fact that alter has a problem with my brother therefore he don't like me being a part of you're community . Which is fine and that his decision but I still think it's a bit unfair . I don't mind the rejection and all but I think it's wrong based on popularity.. plus if I wasn't trusted I'm sure you can easily ban me anyways .
I've known noob and drizz for a while . They know me . Don't cause grief . Just play but like I said it's a fair point .discussuon closed.
Hmm.. not really a fair point .. but I understand . Not like I've been playing cj for like 4-5 years but you're right . . No problems mate. + plus you're gonna decline just because of the lack of "I ain't popular"? Bit harsh of a decision eh?
That's how the shit stirs alter .
As far as I'm aware, I'm just a normal player like your self who keeps my self to my self nothing else . But I understand why you're doing it because it's you're role that's fair . I have nothing to hide anyways !And well I don't think none of the 3xp members have a problem with me at all.. well I hope not
Well for the records, xiggy yes he is my brother and that, but I had nothing to do with that, ask anyone from MSG and they will tell you as it is, plus it's only a gun mod anyways not to hard to find nowadays really alter. But more to subject im
applying here for trusted player .. NOT to be accused by someone who's got an issue with a previous player that you didn't get along with . @HawK I just keep my self to my self mate. I play and that's it ! If I don't then I don't get players like alter digging for something that ain't there!:) -
I did have but then I stopped using it I need a new account anyways ..
Can't be that bad alter surely !
It's called life hacks mirko;)
thanks for that didn't even know about that!
What's happening with this app anyways??cheers BreeZe.
okay so the previous app was a little bit shit, so i took a bit of advice from alter and im gonna try and re-do this again.
ok. so hey guys my name is BreeZe also known as Shawn the sheep. im from London Essex (yes im a towie cunt)
im 25 years old. yes and old fart i know. i want to be part of your community. the reasons why is because 3xp has been around for a long time. i didn't really know about 3xp until i came back gaming like 2 years ago. and i think it a great community spirit . i know a few members on here but i aint met them all. you seems like a bunch of lads who enjoy thier time gaming, making maps and videos for CJ and other videos and thats half the reason why i want to be join for because of the spirit that you guys have plus most of your servers are pretty much full.with me my self im a technician for virgin media, i work 6 days a week constantly working, i just came back from turkey with the misses. next stop in January is Cuba.
im currently engaged to her even though shes a whiner but you get that.. in my spare time, its either i play on her playing codjumper SnD or Zombies. im trying to get back into codjumper as the maps are improving some what and they are challenging. ive been gaming for almost 7 years. yeah i have no life. but i enjoy it a lot. been in a couple of clans previously takes me to JT|, eBc
Styx, MSG. ISDP. . so yeah i sound like a prostitute ive been aboutwith me though. i dont really talk alot to people, i know i should but i just like to game and concentrate on winning or atleast attempt to win. as alter said previously i only speak when someone says my name or if they need anything i like to keep my self to my self no trouble and no hassle .
im not gonnah lie but ive seen alot of member on here that make maps or edit videos . well.. i literally i have no fucking idea where to start with that. im a great lover of IT i just let my brother deal with it .honesty is a great policy . im attached my GUID at the bottom or somewhere hopefully you will find it, not the greatest of stats but its there to be seen by other players to show that im quite active when i get home from work or done spending time with the misses. little bit more about me. i was a big fan of the clubbing days going out spending like 20 quid, £1 pound a pint so yeah you imagine how great that was. music wise im a big fan of EDM, electro, house and a little of bit of RnB. but other than that i dont really do much other than work and play this game. hope this a bit better of an application.
thanks for your time.
What's up guys, not a lot of know me but I'm BreeZe. Been playing codjumper for about 4-5 years I kinda quit for a couple of years before I got a new pc and that. So I'm slowly getting back into CJ .. what I do .. I'm a technician for virgin media . And yeah if your broadband is shit and you're with virgin media come to me .. in my spare time I do to try to be as active as I can but I'm normally "whipped" by the "misses" I would apply for the CJ team but I don't think my skill is at its best ! Anyways thanks