Beiträge von w4mbo

    I just want to report two players. I´m sure they are cheating because their kills are kind of weird. They are both using silentaim and wallhack on kill the king (because they are hitting every noscope even if they don´t see him).
    One player is Sasauke and the other guy pgm17. I already spectated them.

    Keep an eye on them.

    Yours faithfully W4mBo<3

    Yep because I´m not cheating now.

    Ye deleted User your right I have a Vac ban. And yes I hacked in Modern Warfare 2 or rather I made hackerlobbys. It´s about 2 years ago. I cheated in Cod 4 too but it´s almost 3 years ago and I know how cheaters play. I know it don´t make me trusted but it´s your decision if you trust me and I understand why you say that is´s weird. I would just be happy if I can kick or ban unfair players or cheaters because they are annoying. But if you say nope I can comprehend it.


    I started playing on the 3xP servers now about 1,5 years ago and really enjoy playing on your servers especially on your Kill the king server. I also like to play Cod Jumper and Promod. I play almost every day on one of your servers.

    My real name is Nils I´m 16 years old and live in Germany and I have over 2000 hours of play in CoD4. And played about 90h on your servers.
    My stats: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details (bans with no proof that I´m cheating because I´m not !!)
    At the moment I´m a student at a Gymnasium in Germany (it´s like a highschool) and like to play video games. Mostly I play Cs go and Cod 4 but I also play story games and Hearthstone.

    The reason of this application is I want to join your community. I think I´m well-suited because I have many game experiences (1000h Cs go, 2000h CoD4) and can expose hacker and cheater to ban them because it´s annoying if you can do nothing.

    I have read and accept all rules.

    If you want to keep in touch with me: Steam: f4stronix - Ingame: W4mBo<3 or
    xfire: w4mboo (not often online)
    Skype: fantanamen (not often online)

    Thanks for reading, W4mBo<3 ;)

    Hey guys i have to report toxic potato.

    He banned me two times for wallhacking and silentaim. My friends know im not cheating im just an above average gamer and have over 1000h in cs go and im legenary eagle. Toxic potato only banned me if im top fragger and have many kills...
    It seems like he dont have enough experiences with cheaters and also read his profile some guys like me already complained cause of his bans.

    I got a ban by toxic potato because he thinks im cheating and use silent aim and wallhack but i dont... :cursing::thumbdown: And i have a little queastion. Why he gets admin rights. I dont want to insult him but it seems like he have not enough experiences with cheaters....

    Viruz ur not that right ye some better player buy smurf accounts because they want to own lower player but thats not the reason. cs go is a game where are many cheaters and valve want to expose those cheaters early that they can ban them before they get into the higher skill groups. i understand it