Beiträge von TheG18

    From what I read:
    1) You insult people way too much
    2) You want to make people mad just for fun or whatever it is. At the beginning of the conversation Moug doesn't even answer you, but you keep talking shit to him for no reason (e.g why would you tell him he's doing a tech wrong? Don't tell me you wanted to help him). I don't care whether he finished dv3 or not, all I see is you keep trying to flame all the time. Why would you even care if he's lying or not.
    My opinion (which could be wrong indeed): you should try other ways to feel you're existing than by trying to get attention and annoy people.

    Ok Number 1. Insult people too much? I'm telling you fellas that this guy lies and lies over and over again. Oh yeah what about the other people in the lobby saying that i am ass hole and insulting me I can't say anything back? *Ok* But I think you guys are missing the point here. Im just pointing out shit you guys don't know about. How does it look if one of your ADMIN on CJ is lieing to almost everyone saying he has done shit. Same reason why he was banned on Styx fourm and ingame.

    Number 2. I never wanted him to be mad or anyone else. I was just pointing out things he has done which i guess everyone should. Why didn't moug answer me because he knows the truth and hes trying to hide it from everyone? I can't tell him that hes doing the tech wrong? It will benefit him so he can actually get good and not lie to be act good. Ofc I would flame. It gets me mad that you guys are believing all the bullshit he is talking saying. Im Just trying to point it out for you. Well i wanted attention to ( Again ) show the real moug and not a lieing ass moug.

    And UFaced your claim is 100% vaild but you dont understand what happened before and where im coming from. Sorry about my behavior again but yeah it just pisses me off that people respect him for all his lies.

    If you think im the only one that thinks this lets ask people like, Deej or Zombie or who ever plays on styx can't handle him. They get irritated by him.

    Thanks for your reply Ufaced. And I play on the server because members like Drizzjeh and Noobaim actually have fun and enjoy the game.


    I've recently been banned on the 3xP CodJumper Server by one of your members named 3xP' Moug. He has temp-banned me for 45 Years. I was telling him all the lies he told his and friends this community and Me. One of my claims was that he has never finished Dark V3. He claimed that he finshed it but he never did because i was watching him skip most of the map. ( I don't think this kid knows what freeroam is :) ) He warns me for that. Isn't that odd? I told him what did i do I just pointed out shit he has lied about. Later i told him that he was doing a Teach wrong ( 3232 ) He warned me again. Here comes the fun part, His fuckbuddys aka the kids he lies to tried to protect him. One of these kids named myst. insulted me by saying "Im not a pro & im shit and i should go play and stop talking" because I was telling everyone the truth. I later told that kid, he should shut the fuck up and stick to easy. And then Noob came in ( Not NoobAim ) saying that i talk shit and calling me a asshole but all i said is the things moug lied about. Which is really odd.

    I enjoy playing on this server at times. I like members like Drizzjeh or Noobaim. It's you guys are going to start loosing population if your admins continue to do this type of shit.

    Thanks again, Im just saying. I dont hate 3xP i just hate some or most memebers of the CJ community. The rest are cool because i dont know you guys :)

    Enjoy! and Thanks!